11 Beautiful French Names and What They Mean

Such a romantic language inevitable has some of the worlds most beautiful names
Such a romantic language inevitable has some of the world's most beautiful names | © Kyaw-Tun/Unsplash

Both popular and traditional names in France are evidence of the rich variety of languages, dialects, and traditions that have left their mark on French culture over the centuries. Here are some of the most beautiful French names, what they mean, their origins, and how to pronounce them.

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Female | The French form for Amy, meaning ‘beloved’ | pronounced e-me.


Female | French Provençal and Catalan version of Hebrew Anne meaning ‘grace’ | pronounced an-nah-EES

Discover more about the history of Catalan on our artistic itinerary in Barcelona.


Male | Of Breton origin derived from the word for ‘friend’ or possibly ‘hurricane’ | pronounced kaw-rahn-ten.


Female | From the city of Delphi, the site of the famous oracle, derived from the Greek word for ‘dolphin’ | pronounced del-pheen.


Male | Derived from the Greek word for ‘garland’ or ‘crown’, a variation of Stephen | pronounced ay-tee-en.


Female | From the French word for flower, it was the name of a literary character in the Forsyte Saga | pronounced flur.


Male | From the Breton word meaning ‘generous lord’ also used to refer to speakers of Gaelic languages | pronounced ga-el.


Male | The French derivative of the Latin name Lucius, meaning ‘light’ | pronounced luy-sien.


Male | From the Breton Mael, which was derived from a Celtic word meaning ‘chief’ or ‘prince’ | pronounced ma-el.


Female | Derived from the French word for ‘ocean’ | pronounced aw-se-an.


Male | Derived from the ancient Germanic words for ‘courageous’ and ‘people’ | pronounced tee-bawld.

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I have so many places on my list, but I would really lobe to go to Africa. I consider myself an “adventure girl” and Africa feels like the ULTIMATE adventure!

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