Bordeaux's Best Barbers

Beard trim
Beard trim | © Inner Vision Pro / Alamy Stock Photo
Jennifer Migan

The old fashioned way of barbering is making a comeback and Bordeaux has surely picked up on this trend. If you’re only familiar with barber culture from the movie Sweeney Todd, then you’ll be pleasantly surprised by the feeling of luxury this practice offers its seated customers. And if you aren’t used to getting your beard trimmed, then you’re in for a treat: we found the best barbers in Bordeaux that will make you look sharp while leaving your throat alone.

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Everyone Speaks

Whether you just need a quick trim or some serious work on your beard after spending months in a faraway forest, the team of talanted professionals at Everyone Speaks will be happy to take care of you in a relaxed atmosphere whose decor is industrial with a zest of vintage. Their expertise in traditional techniques (their straight razor cut is a client favorite), modern practices, as well as their pre- and post-shaving massages make Everyone Speaks a very popular venue among Bordeaux locals. They have recently opened MTAP Ink Tattoo, a tattoo salon within the shop, so why not get your beard trimmed and body inked at the same time?

La Boucherie

La Boucherie‘s barbershop, located in the trendy Chartrons neighborhood, is the perfect spot to get a neat haircut and to feel transported back to the 1950s while getting your beard trimmed. The owner, Nicolas Molinier, recognizable for his signature bow ties, successfully infused a vintage vibe into his shop, whose playlist, a mix of funk and soul golden oldies, adds charm and character to the place. The shop is open from 9am to 7pm from Tuesday to Saturday, but if you’re an early bird and in a hurry, they’ll take you in for an 8am appointment upon request.

Salon David

Vintage vibe at Salon David/ Courtesy of Salon David

Tradition and elegance are the pillars of Salon David, one of the most recommended barbers and hairstylists in Bordeaux. Whether your beard needs more structure or a look that requires advanced styling skills, David Bouchilloux and his team will deliver what you’re asking for every time. In addition, they use American Crew products, a brand known for its exclusive utilization of natural components, which is great for sensitive skin.

Salon Magne

For almost 60 years, Salon Magne has welcomed men with high standards about their looks. Their longevity resides in their willingness to always provide the best service to their clients year after year. Although they are attached to a certain traditional way of barbering, they also use modern techniques, so if you would like to tame your facial hair, or enjoy a gentle facial treatment, you can visit their salon without hesitation.

Le Coupe-Chou

Nice hipster look/Clem Onojeghuo for Unspalsh

People who say barbering is a men’s affair have obviously never heard of Le Coupe-Chou. Claire, Lucille and Maëlle’s expertise and true passion for their work will satisfy even the most demanding of clients. Their conviction that the traditional way of barbering should be promoted more makes it the ideal place for a straight-razor cut. Your beard is in good hands.

Les Chirurgiens Capillaires

You will certainly feel good at Les Chirurgiens Capillaires, a salon known for its great atmosphere and for the talent of their very creative barbers and hair stylists. Djico, who works there, is considered by many clients as “the Mozart of hair styling” and will surely create a unique style for you. If you want to add some swag to your look, this is the place to go. If you’re interested while you’re here, they also have an in-house tattooist who could work magic on your body.


Men might not admit it, but going to the barber is a formidable occasion for them to get pampered and relax. At Artlook salon, Laëtitia and her team of devoted professionals welcome you in Mérignac (10 minutes from Bordeaux) and pay attention to every detail to guarantee the best comfort for you. The use of Belmont chairs gives you the impression that you’re in a barbering world of yesteryear.

What! Coiffure

Now that you have perfectly shaped your beard, let Regis Roncalli take care of your hair. Initially recognized for his incredible ability to create magic on any type of face, he always knows which hairstyle will work best on you, and he is one of the few people who can design impressive looks on completely shaved heads. You should absolutely pay a visit to his trendy shop for a makeover. It might not always be easy to catch him, since many artists and football players fly him all over France and Europe to benefit from his rare talent, but his kind of skills are worth the wait.

L’Atelier M

Barber polishing a look with scissors/ Allef Vinicius for Unspalsh

What if you could find a salon where both you and your partner could go, that would leave you both satisfied with the result? This is the case at L’Atelier M, a charming venue suitable for men and women in the Chartrons that will ensure high-quality service each time. Customers praise the staff’s friendliness, their ability to respect the clients’ wishes, and the great advice they provide unsure customers. Definitively a great environment to have your beard or mustache handled.

Au Sanglier de Russie

Perhaps you like to be the only person in charge of your beard and undisciplined facial hair. If so, you will probably spend some time in Au Sanglier de Russie, located right in Bordeaux’s city center (near St Catherine’s tram stop). In this store, you will find a wide range of tools and products to help you perfect your looks at home. A real gem for men who want to look sharp on their own terms.

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