11 Reasons Why St Andrews, Scotland, is One of Europe's Most Romantic Towns

Youll want to take a romantic stroll along the beach when you visit St Andrews in Scotland
You'll want to take a romantic stroll along the beach when you visit St Andrews in Scotland | © John Fraser / Alamy Stock Photo

Freelance Journalist

If your honeymoon period is over, don’t despair. There is a town in Scotland that is meant to rekindle the love and offer you the chance to enjoy a relaxing break away from it all. St Andrews has plenty of charm, coupled with views to take your breath away. Here’s why we think this place is romantic heaven.

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The stunning scenery

St Andrews boasts some of the most gorgeous landscapes, ideal for couples who are looking for a secluded, lush haven. From incredible views of the coast to ample greenery and fresh air, the town has a charm of its own. Here, you will find quaint fishing pools, sparkling blue waters and picture-postcard sights that will capture your memories forever.

Soak up the incredible views from Kingsbarns Golf Links over the coast

Don’t miss these top fly-fishing spots in St Andrews.

The picnic locations with a view

The town brims with pretty spots that are perfect for a wonderful picnic. Often amid eye-soothing greenery or next to peaceful lakes, these locations guarantee plenty of moments in quiet bliss, with tasty intervals. The calm West Sands beach is definitely one to consider.

Grab your picnic essentials and settle down in a spot with lovely views

To spend more time in the great outdoors, you might want to camp here – so make sure to browse through our guide to the best camping sites in St Andrews.

The serene boat rides

Every romantic break should include a boat ride, and St Andrews offers the perfect place to do just that. Cruise down the Firth of Forth under the well-known Forth Bridge and gaze at the islands all around – this will be a boat trip to remember.

A boat trip is a must when visiting St Andrews

Care to experience more of Europe by sea? Join one of these TRIPS by Culture Trip and hop on the best sailing and cruise expeditions in Europe.

The award-winning fish

The food, and especially the fish, is second-to-none here. St Andrews restaurant Cromars was even voted the best fish and chip shop in Scotland in the National Fish & Chip Awards in 2016 and 2018. Tuck into delicious fresh fish dishes, while marvelling at the beautiful surroundings. This is how food should be experienced, right?

You can’t miss fish and chips from Cromars when you visit St Andrews

If you feel like exploring the town’s culinary scene, why not take this St Andrews private food walking tour?

The rich history and culture

St Andrews is packed with historical and cultural sights; from the splendid ruins of St Andrews Cathedral to the St Andrews Museum or the MUSA (Museum of the University of St Andrews), this is the place to dig deep into Scottish heritage. What’s more romantic than stepping into the Middle Ages together, strolling amid ancient ruins and crossing old stone bridges hand in hand?

History lovers will want to visit the ruins of St Andrews Cathedral

This romantic tour of St Andrews will take you around the highlights – with a dash of love.

The castles and palaces

This small town bursts with castles and palaces, so it’s only fair they get their own spot on this list. If you want to feel like royalty on your romantic break or take on the role of prince or princess, then you may want to visit some of them. St Andrews Castle has to be the most impressive, having served as a bishop’s palace, a fortress and a state prison during its 450-year history. Wander around its grounds and make the most of the unparalleled views out to sea.

Soak up gorgeous sea views from St Andrews Castle

Feel like sleeping in an actual castle? Check out these castles in Scotland that you can stay in.

The marvellous beaches

St Andrews is home to three beaches, the most popular being West Sands. Its long sandy shore is ideal for a relaxing walk next to your significant other, as dog walkers, joggers or other couples pass you by. Don’t worry, there’s plenty of space for everyone. Plus, the sunsets are truly magical here.

West Sands is perfect for a romantic sunset stroll

A fun beach day can only end with a good night’s sleep. We’ve got you covered with our selection of the best boutique hotels in St Andrews.

The golfing, the spa and the afternoon tea

Also known as the Old Lady, St Andrews’ Old Course is the oldest golf course in the world, attracting die-hard golfers all year round. But even if you’re not the golfing type, there’s a lavish hotel on site, where you can instead indulge in spa treatments alongside your partner. Book your stay at the Old Course Hotel and pamper yourselves with hot baths and Chinese massages at the Kohler Waters Spa. Then head to the Old Course conservatory for afternoon tea for two; this is one of the best around, but there are many more places serving tea and fluffy pastries around town.

Golfers flock to St Andrews to play on the world’s oldest golf course

Keen to learn more about St Andrews’ golfing heritage? Join one of these golf-oriented history tours.

The architecture

Between gothic structures and medieval ruins, the architecture in St Andrews leaves no one unimpressed. Apart from historical landmarks and imposing castles, the town is also home to a number of museums which stand as architectural gems in their own right – such as the St Andrews Museum, housed in a plush Victorian mansion, or the R&A World Golf Museum with its peculiar, ochre-painted semi-glass facade. Pick your favourite building and pose for a loved-up selfie in front of it, next to your sweetie.

There’s no shortage of pretty architecture in St Andrews

To get a better sense of the town’s architecture, browse through this guide that takes you on a tour around St Andrews’ architectural landmarks.

For more inspiration, check out the top things to do and see in St Andrews.

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