Top Romantic Towns to Visit in France

Enjoy a leisurely stop at a cafe in Aix-en-Provence, one of the best romantic destinations in France
Enjoy a leisurely stop at a cafe in Aix-en-Provence, one of the best romantic destinations in France | © Hilke Maunder / Alamy Stock Photo

With a capital like Paris, it’s really no wonder that France is filled with gorgeous towns, perfect for romantic getaways. From Normandy’s dramatic coastline to the glittering French Riviera, here are our top picks.

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Hilltop towns don’t get more charming or alluring than Èze. With a view of the Mediterranean that you could stare at for days, and colourful facades flanking pretty cobbled streets, it is surely one of the most romantic pockets of France. It helps that you can stay in one of the country’s most romantic, ornate hotels here, too: Château Eza.

Marvel at the glittering views of the Med when you visit Èze

If you feel like exploring more beautiful cities near Èze – including Monaco – browse through our guide on how to take the perfect summer road trip along the French Riviera.

Mont Saint-Michel

Mont Saint-Michel had to make the list: this island village in Normandy looks like it’s been plucked straight from a fairytale. One of the best – and most romantic – views this Unesco World Heritage site has to offer is from the approach, the jetty walk; a 760m-long (2,493ft) bridge leading out from the coastline of northern France to the commune.

Stroll along the jetty to Mont Saint-Michel, a beautiful tidal island in Normandy

Here’s everything you need to know before visiting Mont Saint-Michel.


The alpine town of Annecy lies east of Lyon in southeastern France, at the head of Lac d’Annecy (or Lake Annecy). Here, the Alps provide a magical backdrop to one of the prettiest old towns in France. Canals weave their way through its centre and, with colourful buildings looking down onto the pathways and bridges, it’s easy to see why it’s known as the Venice of France. It’s a truly romantic town.

Wander along the old town streets and pretty canals in Annecy

Check out these amazing day trips to take on Lake Annecy by boat.


The mesmerising village of Roussillon could only exist in Provence, and it’s no surprise that it finds itself listed as one of France’s most charming villages time and time again. The ochre-coloured streets are perfect for ambling, hand in hand – with the Mediterranean sun almost always high in the sky and the cafe tables serving great food and local wine all year round.

Roussillon in Provence is perfect for a laid-back, romantic getaway

Make the most of your time here with our guide to the best things to do in Roussillon.


The Loire Valley is home to plenty of romantic towns and villages, but Blois has to be among the best. It’s a hillside city, offering incredible views over the Loire River, with its royal château punctuating the sky. From here, it’s less than a 30-minute drive to Château de Chambord, arguably the most romantic château in France.

Base yourself in Blois and explore the best of the Loire Valley

There are many more magical châteaux and castles to explore in the Loire Valley, and many more reasons why you should visit this lovely region.


You couldn’t ask for a prettier or more lovey-dovey town than Cassis. Just a stone’s throw from Marseille, set on the edge of Calanques National Park, this harbour town is a pure delight. The waterfront restaurants and picturesque pebble beach are the perfect foundation for romance, especially on a long, sunny Mediterranean day.

See the best of the Mediterranean when you visit Cassis

Looking to spend some time in Marseille, too? Take a look at the best hotels in the city.


The medieval city of Albi, not far from Toulouse, is known as the “red town” thanks to its brick foundations. The imposing Cathedral Sainte Cécile is just one of the monuments listed as a Unesco World Heritage site here, and its scale is truly breathtaking. The bridges, pretty streets and incredible views combine to make Albi one of the most endearing places to visit.

Take a romantic cruise on the Tarn River in Albi

If you’re making your way to Toulouse, check out these amazing things to see and do in the city.


The town of Josselin in Brittany is super-romantic for two reasons. Firstly, its 12th-century château, perched on the River Oust, is a real-life fairytale castle – one that seems almost out of place on the edge of the quaint town. Secondly, the market town itself is gorgeous, with cute squares and small cafes that are tailor-made for two.

Josselin in Brittany is full of charming cobblestone streets you can explore

Josselin is only one of the many hidden gems in France. These lesser-known French villages also deserve a visit.


You will find the pretty port town of Saint-Martin-de-Ré on the island Île de Ré, just off the coast of France from the city of La Rochelle. It manages to retain its charm while still offering everything you’d need on a romantic break – from scenic trails for leisurely cycling to harbour-side eateries for late-night, candlelit dinners for two.

Watch the world go by from the harbour in Saint-Martin-de-Ré

Once you’ve explored Île de Ré, consider these amazing day trips to take from La Rochelle by boat.


It would be impossible not to include Étretat, on the coast of Normandy, in this loved-up list. Here, you’ll find some of the most striking cliff faces and rock formations in Europe, including the famous L’Aiguille (the Needle). The best way to explore the area is to get onto one of the many coastal paths and hike: the views are incredible, not to mention romantic.

The dramatic chalk cliffs make Étretat one romantic spot you can’t miss in France

Spending some time in Normandy? Give these awesome things a go; they’re free.


You’re sure to fall in love with Aix-en-Provence. Every street and every square here seems to be more attractive than the last, making it an ideal city to explore on foot with your loved one, stopping at cafes every couple of hours. Be sure to visit the Pavillon de Vendôme and pause for an aperitif at the bustling Place des Cardeurs.

Discover charming squares as you wander the back streets of Aix-en-Provence

There are plenty more lovely towns in the Provence region. These are the most beautiful ones.

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