15 Photos That Will Make You Want to Visit Laguna 69 in Your Lifetime

Harry Stewart

Nestled in the Peruvian Andes amid creaking glaciers and snowcapped mountains lies one of the world’s most picturesque lagoons. Famous for its bright turquoise hue, the heavenly waters of Laguna 69 appear almost otherworldly and are a major highlight of any trip to Huaraz. Not convinced? These 15 spectacular photos will have you adding the destination to your bucket list in no time.

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Before arriving at the trailhead, tours pass through the incredible Laguna de Llanganuco, a stunning lake wedged between dramatic Andean cliffs

Laguna de Llanganuco | © Alex Zanuccoli/Flickr

Indeed, the brightly colored water of Llanganuco is an attraction in itself

Laguna de Llanganuco

After a few minutes admiring the wonders of Llanganuco, it’s time to embark towards the main attraction

Laguna 69 Hike

This stunning trail through Huascaran National Park passes through lush valleys underneath ominous Andean peaks

Laguna 69 Hike

And there are plenty of opportunities to stop and admire the views along the way

Laguna 69 Hike

Such as gushing glacial rivers

Laguna 69 Hike

And ample challenging ascents

Laguna 69 Hike

But it’s all worth it in the end for hikers who make it to the top

Laguna 69

As Laguna 69 is rightfully regarded as being among the most spectacular sights in the Andes

Laguna 69

Partly thanks to its dreamlike turquoise water

Laguna 69

Not to mention the stunning waterfalls that cascade down from the cliffs above

Laguna 69 waterfall

Upon completing the grueling hike to a literally breathtaking altitude of 4,500 meters, trekkers can relax for lunch

Laguna 69

Pose for a group photo

Laguna 69

Or just stand back and take in the views

Laguna 69

Given that it’s all downhill, the trip home is much easier, although the scenery is no less magnificent

Laguna 69 hike
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It's the personal contact, the personal experiences. I love meeting people from all over the world... I really like getting to know everyone and feeling like I'm traveling with a group of friends.


I have so many places on my list, but I would really lobe to go to Africa. I consider myself an “adventure girl” and Africa feels like the ULTIMATE adventure!

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