Unmissable Attractions in Nantes

Nantes from the sky
Nantes from the sky | © ahtcx / Pixabay

Nantes is France’s third-largest industrial city, but don’t think for a minute it’s covered in an unattractive haze because of it – quite the opposite. It’s an innovative and vibrant city that seems to be only getting better. Here are the 20 attractions you definitely shouldn’t miss during your trip.

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Château des Ducs de Bretagne

If you’re visiting Nantes, you must start off your trip with a visit to the Castle of the Dukes of Brittany. It’s a natural place to start, and is a great place for getting a feel for the city and for the history of the region.

Les Machines de l’île

Machine Island is an artistic project where your inner child can come out and play, and is a genuinely unique Nantes attraction.

Cathédrale Saint-Pierre

The cathedral is stunning by day or night, especially the internal arches.

Musée des Beaux-Arts de Nantes

Nantes’ Fine Arts Museum is vast, with a great collection all year round.

French destroyer Maillé-Brézé

Visit this impressive historic monument and museum ship for a fascinating insight into French naval history.

Frac des Pays De La Loire

Just a little to Nantes’ north is this great arts space, specially designed to showcase the newest creative movements.

Île Feydeau

This pretty urban oasis used to be an island, hence the name, and is super-easy on the eyes. It’s a real treat to amble around and explore.

Jardin des plantes de Nantes

The Jardin des plantes de Nantes is a must-visit. It’s free to enter and is filled with a riot of delightful plant specimens.

Passage Pommeraye

Passage Pommeraye is a beautiful bijou shopping mall with an elaborate design. It was named after its developer, Louis Pommeraye.

Place du Bouffay

Situated in the oldest district of Nantes, Place du Bouffay is a great place to spot some cool modern-art installations.


Trentemoult is one of the trendy areas of Nantes, featuring colour and vibrancy just across the river from the main part of the city.

La Tour Lu

La Tour Lu is a striking arts venue offering a little slice of Nantes history.

Église Sainte-Croix de Nantes

The ornate bell tower is what puts the Sainte-Croix church on our list. It features beautiful gothic stained-glass windows, too.

Muséum d’Histoire Naturelle

Nantes’ Natural History Museum is the perfect place to be when the weather isn’t playing ball, and features a beautiful facade with an easy-access walkway at the front.

Notre-Dame de Bon-Port

Make time to visit this attractive Roman Catholic basilica with incredible river views.

La Grue Titan

These majestic cranes could easily be an open-air art installation. In fact, they are a reminder of Nantes‘ industrial maritime heritage.

Cours Cambronne

Don’t miss this beautiful tree-lined esplanade, overlooked by apartments and town houses you will wish you lived in.

HAB Galerie

The HAB offers contemporary art exhibitions at their finest.

Fountain at the Place Royale

Don’t miss this gorgeous fountain in the heart of the old town.

Château de Goulaine

Just outside Nantes, you can wander the halls of this beautiful castle and grounds.

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