24 Enchanting Views Of Montmartre, Paris

La Maison Rose, Montmartre
La Maison Rose, Montmartre | © charmar/Flickr
Natalie Marin

We take you on a journey through the delightful, surprising, and ancient cobbled streets of Paris’ most charming neighborhood, Montmartre.

Loved by over 40s
View of Montmartre

Montmartre, sitting high atop Paris, is an old place with twisting streets and many secrets.

It’s a tough uphill walk from the milling city below, but well worth the challenge.

Place Dalida, Montmartre

The most beautiful time is early in the morning, at dawn.

Le Consultat, Montmartre

We love the energy when the neighborhood wakes up.


Montmartre makes you feel like you’re in a tiny French village, although you’re in the heart of a capital city.


Montmartre is full of art and artists.

Place du Tetre, Montmartre

Everyone in the neighborhood has a riotous sense of color.

La Maison Rose, Montmartre

Buildings become even more vibrant and charming upon closer inspection.

La Maison Rose, Montmartre

Indeed, Montmartre is brimming with charming finds.

L’Epicurien, Montmartre

But we love this neighborhood for its grungy feel too.

La Taverne de Montmartre

Not forgetting the 17th-century details peeking out from unexpected places.

Moulin de la Galette

Like the last vineyard in Paris.

Vineyard, Montmartre

Art permeates every wall of Montmartre.

León Dutilleul (Explore!)

Mad festivals are the norm.

Fête des Vendanges de Montmartre

The wild, crazy, and spectacular can be found everywhere.

Freestyle football performer, Iya Traore

Even the stairways will make your head spin.

Stairway, Montmartre

But often the beauty of Montmartre lies in the details.

Cobblestones, Montmartre

Like its striking street signs.


And its playful street art, hidden in plain sight.

Street Art

Best of all, the quiet messages left by mysterious strangers.


Montmartre is also a fabulous place to sit back and reflect on the big picture.

View of Paris from Montmartre

Gazing down upon the tiny, milling people of Paris.

View from Sacré-Coeur, Montmartre

And at last, stay to enjoy the softly falling night.

Montmartre terrasse at night

À demain, Montmartre.

Sunset over Montmartre
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