London Attractions You Should Visit at Least Once

The Churchill War Rooms and Robert Clive Memorial offer an insight into British history
The Churchill War Rooms and Robert Clive Memorial offer an insight into British history | © I-Wei Huang / Alamy Stock Photo

Architecture & Design Editor

Whether you’re embarking on a whistle-stop tour of the capital or a two-week trip, make sure you find time for these eight unmissable attractions that offer a snapshot of London’s unique heritage, culture and incredible cityscape.

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London Eye

Soar 135 metres (443 feet) above the River Thames and come face-to-face with the majestic Houses of Parliament and Big Ben in one of the world’s tallest Ferris wheels. It’s no surprise the London Eye is the city’s most popular paid tourist attraction, offering an incredible bird’s-eye view of the capital’s finest architecture, from Renzo Piano’s Shard to Sir Christopher Wren’s St Paul’s Cathedral. The elegant structure was first opened to celebrate the turn of the millennium, and with each pod containing just 25 people, it’s a leisurely way to familiarise yourself with the city without having to jostle for the best position. Head here when the sun sets for dreamy views of the capital’s skyline.

Churchill War Rooms

Just over the river you can explore the depths of the underground bunker where Sir Winston Churchill and his cabinet secretly plotted the war against Nazi Germany. Navigate a labyrinth of rooms and corridors below the streets of Westminster to discover what life was like for the staff who spent thousands of hours working alongside Churchill in the hidden nerve centre of the city. A highlight of the Churchill War Rooms is the Map Room, which has remained exactly as it was since the lights were switched off in 1945.

Treasure Hunt at the V&A: The Travel Trail

The V&A Treasure Trail is a fun way to experience the museum

A trip to the V&A Museum is an absolute must for any art and design fanatic visiting the city. Get up close to 3,000 years of creativity and 60,000 fascinating objects from across the centuries. The V&A is also home to an abundance of travel-related treasures, such as silk road camel figurines dating back to the 3rd century. This treasure hunt introduces you to treasures you may have otherwise missed, and you’ll get to learn fun facts along the way.

Tower of London

The Tower of London’s history has some dark chapters

While it’s now the ceremonial home of the Crown Jewels, this 1,000-year-old building has had many incarnations in its lifetime. From a zoo containing exotic creatures in the 13th century to a tower of torture, imprisoning the likes of Anne Boleyn, Guy Fawkes and Sir Walter Raleigh, the Medieval Tower of London is a must-visit for some in-depth insight into British history. Today, some of its traditions are still going strong, including the Ceremony of the Keys, an elaborate ritual of locking up the tower at night. Be guided by one of the Yeoman Warders or legendary Beefeaters on your visit, who will show you around the many attractions, including the Queen’s dazzling collection of jewels, the extensive Royal Armouries and the iconic White Tower – the oldest part of the building.

Fun and Games at the British Museum

Visit the British Museum to learn about the history of humanity

The British Museum is home to over two million years’ worth of history and offers a glimpse into the complex but fascinating timeline of humanity. Take part in a hunt through the museum for an immersive experience that’s as educational as it is entertaining. Answer questions that are hidden within facts and unravel secrets all about the treasures on display here, from Egyptian mummies to Anglo-Saxon artefacts dating back over 1,500 years.

Warner Bros. Studio Tour: The Making of Harry Potter

Visitors on this Warner Bros. Studio Tour visit Diagon Alley

Harry Potter fans are invited to leave the land of the muggles and be transported behind the scenes to explore the spellbinding film sets, props and enchanting costumes on the Warner Bros. Studio Tour. Walk in the footsteps of Harry, Hermione and Ron down the cobblestoned Diagon Alley, tour the impressive Great Hall, and hang out in the Gryffindor common room. It’s also the chance to discover the wizardry behind the special effects and animatronics – you can even have a go at riding a broomstick. The studios are just over half an hour away from Euston station, with a 20-minute train journey and 15-minute shuttle bus. There are new additions every year for those who have been before, with Discovering Hogwarts, a brand-new feature for 2023 now officially open. Other enchanting additions include 400 floating candles in the Great Hall and Professor Flitwick’s Charms Class.

Buckingham Palace

Dating to the 17th century, Buckingham Palace has become one of London’s most recognisable buildings, and yet visitors rarely step inside. Take the opportunity to go beyond the golden gates during just 10 weeks of the year and explore the palatial grandeur of the royal State Rooms, where monarchs have entertained guests for centuries. Head up the sweeping grand staircase designed by John Nash and discover paintings by some of the world’s greatest artists in the Picture Gallery, from Rembrandt to Rubens. There’s also the chance to view exquisite examples of French and English furniture in the elaborately decorated White Drawing Room – look out for the extraordinary gilded grand piano. In the dramatic Throne Room, you’ll come across the same chairs used by the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh for the 1953 coronation, while in the epic Ballroom you’ll get a taste of what a royal banquet would look like.

The Shard

The Shard is a bold addition to the London skyline

Top off a trip to the capital with a visit to Renzo Piano’s momentous skyscraper. Being the tallest building in the city at a staggering 309.6 metres (1,016 feet) means this glittering giant also boasts the best views. Head up to the 72nd floor and you’ll be able to see for 40 miles in every direction; follow your eye along the snaking River Thames and you can even catch a glimpse of the rolling hills beyond the city. Although the building in its finished form dates only to 2012, the Shard has already dominated London’s cityscape, quickly becoming one of the capital’s most recognised and beloved icons.

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