Things To Do in Madrid in Your 20s

Gran Vía at night
Gran Vía at night | © Madrid Destino Cultura Turismo y Negocio
Lori Zaino

Being a 20-something is wildly fun, and even more so in Spain’s capital city. Here’s seven things you absolutely have to do in your 20s when visiting Madrid.

Loved by over 40s

Party like a rockstar

Madrid’s nightlife is unlike any other, and many spots stay open until the wee hours of the morning. The city has plenty of pubs and bars to enjoy and a music scene that’s got something for everyone. Madrid locals love to stay out late, so nightlife in Madrid is a vibrant scene full of 20-somethings from Madrid and from all over the world.

Partying in Madrid in your 20s is awesome

Stay in a hostel

Hostels are cheap and plentiful in Madrid, and many offer very comfortable lodging experiences, complete with a private room and bathroom for as low as 40 euros per night. Or, go the fun route and stay in a bunk room to make new friends.

Eat cheap and delicious food

Eating out in Madrid is affordable and delicious

Eating in Madrid is yummy and affordable. One of the best ways to enjoy food in Madrid is chowing down on a famous calamari sandwich in the Plaza Mayor or near the Puerta del Sol. While bar-hopping in La Latina, you may be offered free tapas when you order drinks, which is a fun and economical Madrid food experience. Cheap restaurants like 100 Montaditos are great places to order little sandwiches and beers and meet plenty of other 20-somethings at the same time.

Bike the city

Madrid has a city bike system called Bici Mad and it’s an easy way to get from A to B. The bikes are actually electric, meaning you won’t even have to pedal that hard or work up a sweat during your ride.

BYOB and check out the sunset

Relaxing gazing at one of Madrid’s epic sunsets is the perfect activity. Many 20-somethings will even bring their own wine or beer along while enjoying the colorful hues, so join in. The best place to do this is at the Templo de Debod in the Parque de Oeste.

Walk the city

Those youthful 20-year-old knees can hold up along the cobblestone streets of Madrid, so get out there and explore. Take the tourist route, which goes from Puerta del Sol to Plaza Mayor, and then down to the Cathedral and Palace, or simply walk the famous Gran Vía street from beginning to end. You can even do a DIY walking tour of all the city’s most famous literary spots.

Explore the Parks

Take advantage of all that youthful energy and visit some of Madrid’s best parks and green spaces. Do yoga in the Retiro, rollerblade along the Madrid Río or picnic at the Casa de Campo.

Explore the parks

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