Beautiful Places to Enjoy Spring in London

The magnificent Tower of London, a view from the River Thames
The magnificent Tower of London, a view from the River Thames | Unsplash | Joseph Gilbey
Georgina Wilson-Powell

Heave a big sigh of relief. Winter is officially over and spring’s here. London might be a vast metropolis but it has plenty of green pockets where you can walk amongst the flowers and take in the budding delights of things to come. From botanical gardens to secret parks, we’ve got spring in the bag.

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Take in the crocuses on Wimbledon Common

Over in Cannizaro Park (part of Wimbledon Common) you’ll find fields of purple and lilac crocuses which announce the arrival of spring. Head down to this Grade II listed park and you’ll find plenty of other flowers there as well.

Walk through the daffodils at St James’ Park

You’ll find the sweet yellow and orange tones of the daffodils in plenty of London parks this spring but St James’ Park is perhaps the prettiest. Take a little longer walking to work or on your lunch break and seek out their sunny faces.

Explore the spring flowers at Kew Gardens

Kew Gardens has the world’s largest collection of plants so expect plenty of things to be blooming when you visit this spring. After the crocus fields comes the glory of the Snow Flowers, or you can check what’s about to arrive on its bulb watch website.

Take pictures of the cherry blossom in Regent’s Park

For a taste of Japan’s famous cherry blossom, Regent’s Park has clusters of cherry trees grouped around Avenue Gardens and near to the Community Wildlife Garden.

Look for ducklings and cygnets on Regent’s Canal

Head down to East London’s Regent’s Canal between Angel and Victoria Park to spot baby ducklings and swans taking to the water

.Bask in bluebells at the Isabella Plantation

Part of the royal park Richmond Park, the Isabella Plantation is home to hundreds of rare flowers but every spring visitors are greeted with a carpet of bluebells amongst the trees.

Spot herons at Camley Street Natural Park

Most Londoners have never heard of Camley Street Natural Park but it’s hidden away in plain sight, on the banks of the Regent’s Canal near Kings’ Cross. A two-acre urban garden on the canal bank, you can sit and watch the herons fish after the winter.

Explore the kitchen garden at Hampton Court Palace

Henry VIII’s royal palace kicks back into gear after the winter around about now and the prestigious kitchen garden which grows herbs, vegetables and fruits are starting to grow. Don’t miss the Privy Garden as well which is full of spring blooms.

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