A Picture Guide to Spending a Day out in Hampstead

Martina OShea /
Martina O'Shea / | © Culture Trip

London Travel Writer

Hampstead in North London is one of the most beautiful areas in the capital. It’s safe to say there is a lot of money floating about, with famous homeowners of the past and present including the likes of James Corden, Liam Gallagher and Thierry Henry. With lots of pubs, foodie haunts galore and plenty of greenery all around, Hampstead is ideal for a relaxed Sunday stroll.

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These truly are some great leafy streets to wander. The Flask pub marks one end of a pedestrianised zone of boutique shops along part of Flask Walk.

Martina O’Shea /

This is a great spot for a cultured pub crawl – traditional pubs that have been infused with a modern twist can be found all over the place.

Martina O’Shea /

Hampstead is the kind of place that likes to reduce its carbon footprint by keeping things local wherever possible, especially when it comes to artisanal craft.

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Waste not, want not – recycled treasures are also a common theme.

Martina O’Shea /

In our modern throwaway culture, it’s refreshing to see places like this are still thriving in Hampstead.

Martina O’Shea /

Lots of shops have been decoratively adorned with beautiful flowers, really enhancing the aesthetics of the area. Top tip for small business owners: get floral.

Martina O’Shea /

There are plenty of places to grab a snack on the way around the area, like La Creperie Hampstead.

Martina O’Shea /

If this queue isn’t enough to convince you to stop by, we don’t know what will. Some things are worth waiting for.

Martina O’Shea /

There are plenty of boutique flower shops to pick up a bountiful bunch, too…

Martina O’Shea /

…not to mention good old fashioned butchers for locals to grab a succulent fresh cut. Don’t worry, the dog is not on the menu.

Martina O’Shea /

There are trees, bushes and flowers all over the place, ideal for anyone who wants to get in touch with nature without leaving the capital.

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Pooches are everywhere in this affluent, animal-loving area.

Martina O’Shea /

No walk through Hampstead would be complete without venturing onto the eponymous Hampstead Heath.

Martina O’Shea /

There are plenty of tranquil spots to sit down with a book or to simply take a break from exploring North London.

Martina O’Shea /

We aren’t the only ones who like to stop for a break and watch the world go by.

Martina O’Shea /

In the warmth of the summer sun, the Hampstead Swimming Ponds are a popular place to cool down and relax.

Martina O’Shea /

Parliament Hill in the southeastern reaches of Hampstead Heath got its name from the fact that the Houses of Parliament in Westminster are visible from its 98-metre summit…

Martina O’Shea /

…and although the surrounding buildings have nearly obscured the Palace of Westminster from view, Parliament Hill still offers an inspirational vantage point with breathtaking views of the capital’s skyline.

Martina O’Shea /

Enjoy reading this piece? Check out some of our other visual pieces like this walking neighbourhood guide to Hackney or how to spend a day out in East London’s Victoria Park.

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