A Walk Around Shoreditch, London in 11 Perfect Instagrams

| © Christian Mueller / Shutterstock

Our awesome Instagram team recently went on a walking tour of London’s Shoreditch with some of the city’s top ‘grammers. Take a look at some of the highlights below!

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Jack the Ripper, countless famous markets, colour-crazy murals, a buzzing night scene and a string of world-class museums and art galleries – Shoreditch’s hip(ster) slick, and boho vibes make it one of London’s most exciting districts.

The east London haunt’s rough-edged reputation (which over recent years has been well-smoothed out by gentrification and the attention of ‘loaded’ twenty somethings) has made it a knockout area for Londoners and tourists from all over. Some say the place has had its day, but if you go to places like Brick Lane Market, it doesn’t seem that way at all. Weird and wonderful ramshackle bars and independent shops make up Great Eastern Street and Shoreditch High Street — so there’s plenty here to keep you busy. Despite all those wealthy twenty-somethings, much of the place retains its gritty urban edge, and for many, it’s this grittiness that adds to the area’s appeal. Best thing about the place? The art, the absolutely fantastic art! Banksy, Ben Eine, Conor Harrington, Stixx, Thierry Noir — so many of the world’s greatest artists descend on Shoreditch to paint its walls, some, the finest examples of modern graffiti art in the world. From Brick Lane to Spitalfields, there’s so much to Instagram here! That’s why we decided to grab some of the city’s top Instagrammers and go on a grammin’ walking tour of Shoreditch with them. Here are some of the highlights and who knows, you might just be inspired enough to go on your very own walking adventure.

@vitalerie AKA Valerie

A post shared by Valerie — expat in ?? (@vitalerie) on Feb 27, 2017 at 12:59pm PST

@Kseniaskos AKA Ksenia

A post shared by Ksenia Skosyrskikh (@kseniaskos) on Feb 25, 2017 at 1:23am PST

@clairemenary AKA Claire

A post shared by Claire Menary | Photographer (@clairemenary) on Feb 26, 2017 at 5:01am PST

@hungry_anja AKA Anja

A post shared by London • Food • Travel (@hungry_anja) on Feb 25, 2017 at 11:26am PST

Quick lunch at Albion!


@poppy_loves_london AKA Eva

A post shared by London ??? (@poppy_loves_london) on Feb 25, 2017 at 2:19am PST

@aglobetrot AKA Mairin

A post shared by Mairin (@aglobetrot) on Mar 1, 2017 at 12:25pm PST

@grungeee AKA Nadia

Processed with VSCO with s2 preset

@angrybaker AKA Mendy

A post shared by Mendy (@angrybaker) on Feb 26, 2017 at 1:17am PST

@yaroslava_kirichok AKA Yaroslava

@mformorena AKA Morena

A post shared by Morena ?? (@mformorena) on Mar 1, 2017 at 11:37am PST
Want more walks? Check out our super cool walk of Amsterdam. And don’t forget to tag your amazing photos #culturetrip on our Instagram page!

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