Barcelona’s Best Vintage Shops

Pop Boutique, Liverpool
Pop Boutique, Liverpool | © Paul Quayle / Alamy Stock Photo
Alison Moss

Exploring the boutiques in downtown Barcelona is always nice, but once in a while it’s fun to get out of your comfort zone and try some new places. Luckily, Barcelona is full of vintage stores with one-of-a-kind pieces of clothing that will freshen up your wardrobe and add an edge to your style. Since these independent, unique places are usually hard to find, we’ve selected the best of them for you.

Loved by over 40s

Holala Vintage

Holala Vintage Store

The Holala Vintage franchise is known for selling finely curated pieces of clothing, and rightly so. If you drop by their biggest store right behind the MACBA you will be delighted by their vast collection of carefully preserved clothing and furniture from as far back as the 1950s.

La Principal Retro & Co

La Principal Retro & Co

This tiny vintage store is set further apart than the main group of thrift shops in Calle Tallers. The personalized assistance of its owner will make the usually challenging experience of finding a fitting mom-jean a breeze. Clothes and accessories are generally tastefully selected pieces from the 1980s and 1990s at more than reasonable prices.


Camden Garage is probably the most eclectic vintage store on Calle Tallers. Though you’ll probably have to rummage more than usual to find something that you like, their eclectic selection of clothing offers stylish options for all tastes at great prices.

Flamingo Market Kilo

If you’re an avid vintage shopper, you’ll probably prefer paying for the weight of your purchases instead of handing out the money for each individual piece. That’s exactly what Flamingo Market Kilo offers: a set price per weight. Treat yourself to some unique clothing and let the scale tell you the price.

Produit National Brut (P.N.B)

P.N.B is a homely vintage shop in the Raval with tons of clothing in a great state. On top of offering a wide selection of clothing ranging from the 1970s up to the 1990s, they also sell some awesome furniture.

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I have so many places on my list, but I would really lobe to go to Africa. I consider myself an “adventure girl” and Africa feels like the ULTIMATE adventure!

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