The Best Things To See And Do In Cessnock, Glasgow

House For An Art Lover
House For An Art Lover | © Jean-Pierre Dalbéra/Flickr
Tori Chalmers

Located on the southside around the vicinity of Paisley Road West, what Cessnock lacks in size, it makes up for in character and Glaswegian charm. Famed as a pit-stop site for the infamous ‘Subcrawl’ party route – thanks to the efficient subway facilities – Cessnock is home to a multicultural community, which extends to its array of eateries and local shops selling all sorts of worldly goods. Between the superb architecture and budget-friendly places, discover the best things to see and do in Cessnock.

Loved by over 40s

See Inside the Mind of Glasgow Golden Boy Charles Rennie Mackintosh

See Inside the Mind of Glasgow Golden Boy Charles Rennie Mackintosh

Sat on the fringes of Cessnock in Bellahouston Park, House For An Art Lover was constructed between 1989 and 1996 from an original Charles Rennie Mackintosh design, which he had entered into an architectural competition in 1901. It’s hard to believe that this mastermind was disqualified from the competition, with his design disregarded, due to a late entry. Years on, however, a local architect brought Mackintosh’s dream to life by building it from the original blueprints. Awash with Mackintosh’s signature floral motifs, graceful light rays and flowing lines, House For An Art Lover is a winner of a dreamy arts and events venue, and true snapshot into the inner workings of its creator’s mind.

House For An Art Lover, Bellahouston Park, 10 Dumbreck Rd, Glasgow, Scotland +44 141 353 4770

House For An Art Lover | Courtesy Of Glasgow City Marketing

House For An Art Lover | Courtesy Of Glasgow City Marketing

Marvel at Walmer Crescent


Walmer Crescent
© AlasdairW/WikiCommons

Marvel at Walmer Crescent

The star of the Cessnock show is Walmer Crescent, an architectural masterpiece in the form of a curved row of tenement houses and flats. The work of renowned Scottish architect, Alexander ‘Greek’ Thomson, a guru of his time in sustainable building, these tenements are awash with gorgeous windows and exude Thomson’s Greek Revival architectural stamp. Built between 1857 and 1862, visiting Walmer Crescent is a rite of passage for architecture enthusiasts.

Walmer Crescent, Glasgow, Scotland

Walmer Crescent

Walmer Crescent | © AlasdairW/WikiCommons

Hang With Locals at Bellahouston Park


Bellahouston Park
© wfmillar/Geograph
Basking on Cessnock’s periphery, Bellahouston Park is deeply embedded into the cultural fabric of the area. This 169-acre park boasts an expansive menu of sports facilities (including an artificial ski slope) along with formal gardens and patches of parkland made for thought-filled wanders and therapeutic jogs. Loved by locals and visitors alike, Bellahouston hosted the Empire Exhibition in 1938, a major historical event which attracted 12.5 million people – the mighty 11-tonne elephant by artist Kenny Hunter now sits on the very site where it took place. Along with hosting House for an Art Lover, Bellahouston Park has witnessed many a live music gig and even a papal visit from John Paul II in 1982 and Pope Benedict XVI in 2010.

Taste a Tikka Jalapenos Melt


Taste a Tikka Jalapenos Melt

Since its welcomed arrival in 2004, Glasgow’s go-to takeaway lunch spot Bite Me Sandwich Bar has gained a loyal band of lunchtime foodies. This wee independent sandwich shop stands out among the many takeaways and eateries of Cessnock, thanks to its speedy service and dynamite-tasting food filled with high quality ingredients. An ode to Glasgow’s penchant for Indian cuisine and curry, try the famous Tikka Jalapenos Melt – just the perfect amount of kick!

Bite Me Sandwich Bar, 383 Paisley Rd W, Glasgow, Scotland +44 141 427 1551

Hit the Slopes

Hit the Slopes

Part of Glasgow’s charm are the never-ending options of fun things to do. Another facet of Bellahouston park is Glasgow Ski and Snowboard Centre. Along with its artificial slope and endless tubing possibilities, the centre arranges weekly ski buses that transport people to and from Scotland’s snow-smothered ski resorts during peak season. The perfect medicine for outdoor junkies yearning to hit the powdery Scottish slopes.

Glasgow Ski Centre, Bellahouston Park, 16 Dumbreck Rd, Glasgow, Scotland +44 141 427 4991

Try an Indonesian Noodle Pot

Try an Indonesian Noodle Pot

Cherry And Heather, a tiny bolt-hole of an eatery and superb takeaway place, boasts a cult following thanks to its eclectic menu peppered with a mix of Japanese, Indonesian and Scottish cuisines. Whizzed up daily, the soups are to die for, while the Tinderbox-style filled rolls go down a treat. This gastronomic playground offers inventive fresh fare at appealing prices, doing Cessnock proud, one noodle pot at a time!

Cherry And Heather, 7 North Gower Street, Cessnock, Glasgow, Scotland +44 141 427 0272


Thai Noodles | © goodness4u/Pixabay

Hear the Local Patter at The Kensington

Bar, Pub

Hear the Local Patter at The Kensington

A fine bunch, the Scots show complete mastery in the art of banter, which more often than not, involves hitting the bevy! Catering to the needs of hardcore punters, Glasgow’s Subcrawl is not for the fainthearted. The name of the game is simple – buy an all-day discovery ticket and hit up the watering holes closest to all 15 subway stops. Rough around the edges and overflowing with personality, The Kensington is the go-to subcrawl pub for the Cessnock stop. And go!

The Kensington, Paisley Rd W, Glasgow, Scotland +44 141 427 7938

The Doric | Courtesy Of Tori Chalmers

Pub | © Tori Chalmers

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