The Best Things To See And Do In Paris’ 11th Arrondissement

Rachel McCarthy /
Rachel McCarthy / | © Culture Trip
Alixandra Haywood

Known for its gourmet restaurants and hip bars, Paris’ 11th arrondissement has a lot to offer. Let us help you discover the crème de la crème with our round-up of the best things to eat, drink, see and do in the neighborhood.

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Place De La République

Three arrondissements and five metro lines meet at Place de la République and it is in many ways the beating heart of the city. In addition to being home to an impressive 31-foot statute of Marianne, the national symbol of the Republic, the public square is the de facto host when Parisians unite for one of the city’s public demonstrations. Typically you will find street performers entertaining the large crowds that congregate on the plaza.
Place de la République, 75011 Paris

Place De La République
A skater in the Place De La République

Le Perchoir

Hidden away at the top of an unsuspecting building on a quiet street, Le Perchoir is where locals in the know go to fall in love with Paris all over again. This restaurant can be hard to spot but once you make your way up to the seventh floor of the Hausmannian building it calls home, you’ll be rewarded with a breathtaking panorama of the city’s stunning rooftops.
Le Perchoir, 14 rue Crespin du Gast, 75011, Paris

Musée Edith Piaf

Pay homage to ‘La Môme’in one of Paris’ tiniest and most unusual museums. Tucked away in two rooms of a private apartment in the Ménilmontant neighborhood that Edith Piaf frequented you’ll find a large collection of her personal mementos, belongings, and correspondence. This intimate museum is free to visit but make sure to reserve your place in advance on their website.
Musée Edith Piaf, 5 rue Crespin du Gast, 75011, Paris

A street scene in 11th Arrondissement, Paris
L’Armagnac Restaurant, Paris

Cafe Chilango

A recent addition to the growing Mexican food scene in the capital, Café Chilango stands out thanks not only to its mouth-watering tacos and potent cocktails, but also to its vibrant atmosphere. This small restaurant features a rotating menu of taco combinations inspired by the season; think succulent meats, fresh produce, and bright, bold flavors.

Café Chilango, 82 rue de la Folie Méricourt, 75011, Paris

Café Charbon

Bar, Cafe, Restaurant, French

11th District-Paris-France
© Culture Trip
Located in the heart of the lively Oberkampf neighborhood, Café Charbon has been a hotspot for more then a century. Lured in by the stylish vintage décor, friendly staff, and cheap drinks, hip locals flock to this restaurant-bar all week long.

Bistrot Paul Bert

The streets of Paris may be full of restaurants offering classic French food, but you’ll be hard-pressed to find one better than the Bistrot Paul Bert. Although the menu at this quintessential bistro changes with the seasons, you can expect to find all of the classics alongside a carefully curated wine list. If you’re craving something a bit more contemporary, try the sister restaurant down the street, Le 6 Paul Bert, which is a bit more adventurous with its menu while still remaining rooted in the French tradition.
Bistrot Paul Bert, 18 rue Paul Bert, 75011, Paris
Le 6 Paul Bert, 6 rue Paul Bert, 75011, Paris

Rue de Charonne

Stretching across the 11th arrondissement from Bastille in the southwest to Père Lachaise cemetery just beyond the neighborhood’s northeast border, Rue de Charonne is an ideal spot to spend a few hours popping in and out of its many charming restaurants, cafés, and shops. The winding street is also home to a host of quirky, independent boutiques offering curated collections sourced from up-and-coming names on the Parisian fashion scene.
Rue de Charonne, 75011, Paris

Rue De Charonne


Eating your way through the best boulangeries in Paris is a natural part of any trip, but it’s only recently that the city has started to become a more welcoming place for its gluten-free visitors. Chambelland has been leading the charge and its perfectly airy breads, savory sandwiches, and delicate pastries rival any traditional bakery options.
Chambelland, 14 rue Ternaux, 75011, Paris


The Opéra Bastille

The modern architecture of the Opéra Bastille cuts an imposing figure on the Place de la Bastille at the 11th arrondissement’s southwest corner. Inaugurated just over 25 years ago in 1989, the opera house was created to showcase popular, modern works. Nowadays, the Opéra Bastille boasts a varied program featuring operas and ballets, as well as the occasional symphony concert.
Opéra Bastille, Place de la Bastille, 75012 Paris

The Opera Bastille
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