Exciting and Easy Day Trips from Nosara

D6JKN6 Surfers on Playa Guiones beach, Nosara, Nicoya Peninsula, Guanacaste Province, Costa Rica, Central America
D6JKN6 Surfers on Playa Guiones beach, Nosara, Nicoya Peninsula, Guanacaste Province, Costa Rica, Central America | © robertharding / Alamy Stock Photo
Jenn Parker

Nosara has earned the reputation as Costa Rica’s wellness capital, as well as a surf haven. From pristine beaches and lush rainforests to charming villages and cultural marvels, these day trips promise a delightful mix of excitement and ease, making them accessible to adventurers of all ages and interests. While there are quite a few activities to keep you busy while you are staying in Nosara, if you find yourself down there for a bit and want to explore some more, here are a few easy day trips you can take.

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Ostional Wildlife Reserve

Playa Ostional hosts thousands of olive ridley sea turtles annually for nesting season, usually taking place between August and December. There are problems with people interfering with the nesting and hatching turtles, so it is strongly advised that all visitors refrain from any such interference. You are welcome to observe the natural delight as if you were a fly on the wall, or a monkey in a tree. Relatively easy to get to from Nosara, guided night tours are available for whoever wants to witness this incredible event.

San Juanillo Bay

San Juanillo beach, Costa Rica

San Juanillo is a gorgeous protected bay and small fishing village just a short ATV ride or drive from Nosara. The beach is lined with coconut and almond trees, the sand is fine white, and just offshore is a lovely coral reef where you can go snorkeling. This is an easy day trip from Nosara and you can even make it easier on yourself by taking a guided ATV and snorkeling tour there.

Playa Samara

Aerial view of Sámara, a small village in the Guanacaste province, Costa Rica, Pacific coast

Playa Samara is about an hour south of Playa Guiones. This cute little beach town is a nice change of scenery if you’ve been in Nosara for a while. There are several restaurants, bars, and boutique shops, as well as tranquil beach that is protected by the swells that typically hit Playa Guiones. This is an excellent swimming beach and an even better place to grab a cocktail and watch the sunset.

Playa Rosada

Playa Rosada is a rare pink sand beach that is just north of Playa Pelada, the most northern part of Nosara. This extraordinary beach is protected by a barrier reef, which keeps its shallow waters very calm and clear. This is an ideal spot to swim or go snorkeling. There are three ways to access this secluded beach during the low tide. You can walk from the south, walk from the north, or arrive by boat.

Mala Noche Waterfall

The Mala Noche Waterfall is such a hidden gem that you will be unlikely to find it unless you go with someone who has been there before, such as a local guide. The thriving secondary forest that conceals this treasure has a rich history of its own that includes gum harvesting, jade, and indigenous tribes. A guided hike to these falls is an educational and exhilarating experience.

San Juan Mountain

If you are looking to spend a half day off the beach, a guided ATV tour through the San Juan Mountains to the east of Nosara is fun way to spend your day. If you flew into Nosara, it is likely that you saw the crisscross of trails and roads that cut through these beautiful mountains. There are coffee plantations, small villages, and captivating vistas that you will ride through on this adventure.

Santa Rosa Coffee Tour

One of the best ways to get up to the Santa Rosa coffee plantation is to cruise up on an ATV. A tour of this plantation is a wonderful way to learn all about coffee, one of Costa Rica’s main exports, as well as enjoy the freshest cup of coffee you’ve ever had straight from the source. The views from the ridge line where this family-owned finca sits has exceptional views of the surrounding mountains, low laying farm lands, and, of course, the Pacific Ocean.

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