Experience Paris’ Alternative Side With These Unique Experiences

Paris’s top sights are known the world over
Paris’s top sights are known the world over | © Soma / Alamy Stock Photo
Culture Trip Travel Team

A visit to Paris wouldn’t be complete without hitting some of the city’s most celebrated sights. But to get to the very heart of the city, Culture Trip has curated a list of Paris tours and experiences that will provide a truly unique way to see one of the most famous cities in the world.

Loved by over 40s

The Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, Notre-Dame cathedral: Paris’ top sights are known the world over. Whether it’s your first time visiting or you’ve seen the city many times, to uncover the city the locals know, you’ll need to dig a little deeper. Whether it’s running through Paris’ pretty streets with a local guide, vintage shopping with a fashion editor or going on a culinary tour of Montmartre, these tours and experiences will show you a new side to the city.


Choose your distance: 6 km (4 mi) or 10 km (6 mi), and let’s go! We’ll be chasing the sunrise on a gentle run (your pace), plunging you into an unexpectedly empty Paris. At this time of the day, most people are still sleeping and the rising sun colours the monuments and buildings with nuances of pink and gold. This is Paris as you’ve probably never seen before! We’ve carefully planned every step of this running tour for you to learn inside stories and fun facts, have a great time and work out before breakfast. You don’t have to lift a finger: only to move your legs! Some reasons for joining a RUNRUN TOUR: ✔️Get to know Paris from a top-class local runner, learning things that you can’t find in a guide book ✔️We’re “the glamping of running”: Bottled water, healthy snacks and a waterproof running jacket in case of rain are provided ✔️Work out before breakfast, feeling free to earn later the calories burned ✔️Relax and don’t worry about getting lost or planning a running route by yourself


Enjoy a three-hour French gastronomy tour in the stunning Montmartre district. Sample food and wine during a professional tour of the city with an experienced guide. Take in the culture and cuisine while exploring eateries and shops through the eyes of a Parisian. MONTMARTRE FOOD TOUR: BE CAREFUL! Our tour in Montmartre Area leaves from 2 different meeting spots depending on the schedule: read the following info carefully and email us in case you have any doubt! From Monday to Friday all our tours leave from “Anvers Metro station” on line 2 (except for the evening tour). *EXCEPTION* All the tours at 6 PM leave from “Abbesses Metro station” on line 12. All the tours on Saturday and Sunday leave from “Abbesses Metro station” on line 12. The guide will have an orange umbrella and there is only one metro exit so it’s easy to spot.


Hunt for treasure in Paris’ largest flea market, St-Ouen (Marché aux Puces St-Ouen), on this fascinating 90-minute walking tour. With an expert local guide to show you around, you’ll search for bargains in speciality shops that only the locals know! Meet market merchants and learn the tips of the trade to get your perfect items at a perfect price. Numbers are limited to 10 people on this small-group tour, ensuring you’ll enjoy personalized attention from your guide.


Feel like a unique visit, a source of good mood, sharing and the unexpected? Re-discover the charms of Paris through a mind-blowing visit in one of the most legendary convertible cars! Welcomed by a knowledgeable, kind and elegant chauffeur, dressed in the famous Saint James smock, you’ll enjoy the funny, unprecedented anecdotes, shared with passion. Wonderful avenues, famous monuments…. go with the flow of the must-see sights of the capital from the soft seats of this iconic French car. Choose from several departure times in the morning, afternoon or evening and see attention-grabbing attractions like the Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame Cathedral, Opera Garnier and more!

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It's the personal contact, the personal experiences. I love meeting people from all over the world... I really like getting to know everyone and feeling like I'm traveling with a group of friends.


I have so many places on my list, but I would really lobe to go to Africa. I consider myself an “adventure girl” and Africa feels like the ULTIMATE adventure!

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