How to Spend a Perfect Day in London

The Italian Gardens at Hyde Park, London, England
The Italian Gardens at Hyde Park, London, England | © Will Elsom / Culture Trip

Every visitor will feel right at home in England’s multicultural capital. Spend a perfect day wandering through London’s beautiful green spaces, admiring its historical masterpieces and discovering the quirky nooks and crannies you would have never expected to find.

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Start the morning with a walk over Westminster Bridge. Head towards Parliament Square, taking the time to stop and watch the city come to life from this breathtaking vantage point.

Westminster Bridge, London, England
Parliament Square, London, England

Once you’ve crossed the bridge, check out the historic Parliament building and weave through the crowds along The Mall to get to Buckingham Palace.

Toward The Mall, London, England

Witness the historic Changing of the Guard, which takes place every morning at 11am, impressing visitors from around the world with the soldier’s disciplined display of military choreography.

Buckingham Palace, London, England
Buckingham Palace, London, England


Walk north to Hyde Park, leaving the frantic pace of the city behind, and wander through Kensington Gardens. Make sure to check out the Serpentine Gallery and, if you’re feeling peckish, stop for a snack at the Italian Gardens Cafe.

Hyde Park, London, England
The Serpentine Gallery, Hyde Park, London

Leaving the park, seek out Bathhurst Mews, a quiet cobbled street behind Lancaster Gate station that makes for a beautiful photo opportunity; perfect for Instagram.

Batthurst Mews, London, England

Head to the heart of Covent Garden and stop for a pint at Crown and Anchor pub. Hidden a few meters away is Neal’s Yard, a colourful little alley that’s home to several lip-smackingly good restaurants.

Crown and Anchor Pub, London, England
Neil’s Yard, London, England

Take the nation’s famous red bus to Boxpark Shoreditch in London’s East End, and stop for lunch at Greek street food stall the Athenian. If Punjabi curries are more your thing, grab one at Sonita’s Kitchen.

Boxpark Shoreditch, London, England
Sonita’s Kitchen at Boxpark Shoreditch, London, England

Immerse yourself in the area’s alternative culture with a visit to the Rebel’s Alliance Motorcycle Club, a shop dedicated to two-wheels and motorcycle culture.

Rebel Alliance Motorcycle Co., London, England
Brick Lane, Shoreditch, London, England


Despite rumours to the contrary, Londoners are actually very sociable – especially with a pint in hand. Be sure to introduce yourself to a fellow urbanite and, who knows, you might learn even more about this unique city.

A local Londoner, London, England

As the sun starts to set, head towards the river, stopping to admire St. Dunstan-in-the-East, an abandoned church right in the heart of the city that has been reclaimed by nature.

St. Dunstan-in-the-East Church, London, England
St. Dunstan-in-the-East Church, London, England

Jump on a river taxi from Tower Pier near Tower Bridge and ride east, watching the sunset over the Shard and 20 Fenchurch Street. Made up of steel and glass mountains, London’s skyline looks stunning in the evening light.

The Shard, London, England

Looking for the perfect place to start and end your day?

DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel London – Docklands Riverside


DoubleTree by Hilton London – Docklands Riverside
Courtesy of DoubleTree by Hilton London – Docklands Riverside /
The DoubleTree is centrally located on a 17th-century wharf with stunning views of London’s financial district, and even runs a complimentary ferry service across to Canary Wharf. The Colombia Restaurant serves seasonal recipes and guests can request barbecues to enjoy on the pretty outdoor terrace with excellent riverside views.

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