Inspiring Organic Farms in Costa Rica To Volunteer On

Immerse yourself in life on a Costa Rican farm
Immerse yourself in life on a Costa Rican farm | Courtesy of La Gran Vista
Jenn Parker

A unique way to spend a significant amount of time in Costa Rica is by volunteering on an organic farm. There are such farms all around the country that have their arms wide open to volunteers who want to learn and work in Costa Rica, while also having the opportunity to explore and be immersed in nature. These farms are always looking for extra hands.

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The Monkey Farm

The Monkey Farm is a multifaceted non-profit organization in Playa Ocotal in northern Guanacaste. One of the ultimate goals of the Monkey Farm is to develop a completely self-sufficient and sustainable wildlife rescue center. Running a wildlife rescue center requires water, energy and food for the animals and the volunteers, and that’s where the farm comes in. The Monkey Farm’s organic farm uses a variety of permaculture techniques to grow food, not only for the farm and wildlife animals and the volunteers who live on the farm, but also for disadvantaged and homeless members of the local community. Listed on WWOOF, Workaway and Helpx, The Monkey Farm is dependent on local and live-in volunteers who want to help grow organic produce, care for rescued animals, tend to the farm animals and serve the local community.

Rancho Delicioso

The organic farm at Rancho Delicioso, while relatively small, is doing extraordinary things in organic and sustainable food production, green building, aquaponics, research and education. Partially owned by Anamaya Resort in Montezuma, Rancho Delicioso is always looking for hard-working and talented volunteers to help achieve their many goals. They also offer yoga and permaculture programs.

Villas Mastatal

Villas Mastatal is a family-owned and -operated ecolodge, hostel and permaculture project located in the small community of Mastatal overlooking the Cangreja National Park. A stay at Villas Mastatal can include things like exploring the national park, hikes to waterfalls and rivers, horse riding, yoga, birdwatching and of course the chance to participate in the permaculture projects and farm work. The 25 acres (10 hectares) of land are planted with cacao, coffee, black pepper, pineapple, guava and soursop trees. Villa Mastatal offers a very hands-on and educational volunteer work exchange program. Volunteers can help with planting trees, maintaining and harvesting crops, tending to the medicinal garden and taking care of the animals, among many other wholesome and impactful activities.

Punta Mona

Punta Mona is a beachfront environmental educational center, organic permaculture farm and ecolodge on Costa Rica’s southern Caribbean coast. Throughout the year there are dozens of opportunities to participate in all different types of workshops, courses and retreats. Punta Mona offers volunteer opportunities for individuals who want to live and learn off the grid in Costa Rica. Here, you will learn how to coexist harmoniously with the planet and how to incorporate your new valuable skills and lessons into your everyday life.

La Gran Vista

La Gran Vista is an agroecological farm that is working to set an example for other farms in Costa Rica through organic, environmentally friendly and sustainable practices. Spending time at La Gran Vista is a wonderful way to learn about sustainable and earth-friendly agricultural practices while helping the farm continue to operate and thrive. During your stay, you will have the chance to learn about natural medicines, herbicides and pesticides, soil regeneration and conservation and of course, organic farming practices. There are endless projects taking place on and around the farm that are always in need of volunteers.

Gaia Vista

Gaia Vista is an eco-resort, retreat center, sustainability center, eco-village, organic farm and rainforest reserve on the southern end of the central Pacific coast of Costa Rica. This inspiring place hosts guests and volunteers who want to experience nature at its most brilliant, while also learning about sustainable living practices. Volunteers are needed to help on the organic farm and with other projects at Gaia Vista. This is a unique chance to live deep in the rainforest while making a great contribution to eco-friendly agriculture.

WWOOF Costa Rica

Costa Rica has many WWOOF opportunities. In order to access the list of WWOOF locations in Costa Rica, you must sign up and join WWOOF Costa Rica. The list of farms includes many small and family-owned farms around the country that would love to host a hard-working international volunteer who is interested in organic farming and life in Costa Rica. This is an affordable way to spend a significant amount of time in Costa Rica and be truly immersed in the culture, language and bountiful natural wonders of this amazing country.

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2 years.


It's the personal contact, the personal experiences. I love meeting people from all over the world... I really like getting to know everyone and feeling like I'm traveling with a group of friends.


I have so many places on my list, but I would really lobe to go to Africa. I consider myself an “adventure girl” and Africa feels like the ULTIMATE adventure!

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