Learn Spanish Online With Vamos Language Academy

Learn Spanish online with Vamos with qualified Spanish teachers to guide you
Learn Spanish online with Vamos with qualified Spanish teachers to guide you | © Vamos
Culture Trip Travel Team

As the world continues to stay at home, we at Culture Trip are urging our readers to stay curious. Now is the time to research that destination, try out that tricky recipe or indeed, learn that language you never thought you’d have time for.

Loved by over 40s

Learn Spanish Online With Vamos


© Vamos

We’ve teamed up with Vamos, a language learning academy based in London, UK, to bring you a range of interactive online Spanish courses that you can complete from start to finish at home.

In a nutshell

• Learn Spanish online with native, qualified Spanish teachers

• Enjoy social activities with your online community, from Spanish cooking to culture-based quizzes

• Benefit from an online support system

• Receive a certificate upon completion of each course textbook

• Join up to small classes of no more than 10 students

How does it work?

The course levels range from beginner to advanced, and all follow the standard international framework for determining language ability. Each course is taught by qualified Spanish teachers who will support your development and connect you with an online community of other Spanish learners.

There are various timeframes to ensure maximum flexibility. Each class will focus on interactive activities such as games and role-play scenarios in teams, groups or pairs. In addition, you’ll have the option to take part in free extra activities online. These include Spanish cooking, Spanish TV, quizzes and escape room-style puzzle solving – all delivered in Spanish, of course.

At the end of your course you’ll have gained a worldwide network of fellow Spanish learners, so you can keep practising whenever you want. And they’ll even give you a discount code for your next course, so you can take your skills to the next level.

What you need to know


• There are 20 course levels following the Common European Framework Reference (CEFR) syllabus from A1 (the most basic level) to C2 (the most advanced).

• You will need to take a self-assessment to determine your level before beginning your course.


• Each lesson will last one or two hours, depending on your course.

• Each course will include 10 or 20 hours of lesson time, and will be held over a period of one, five or 10 weeks, depending on your preference.

• Each course is structured around a CEFR-certified textbook as well as a specially compiled set of resources, giving teachers a unified framework and a greater variety of activities within the lessons.
Course outcome

• Classes end with a self-assessment exercise based on the course syllabus.

• On completion of each CEFR textbook, you’ll receive a certificate that shows the number of hours you have attended and the level of Spanish you have achieved.


• Online classes are held using video conferencing platform Zoom. You will be given the link prior to each class.

About Vamos

Vamos is a London-based Spanish academy where more than 9,000 students have learnt Spanish and improved their skills.

The school offers courses at every level of the CEFR, with a team of around 35 native teachers who are all qualified in teaching Spanish as a foreign language.

Every teacher employed by Vamos is as passionate as they are professional. The lessons always include interactive activities designed to encourage speaking and inspire confidence when using Spanish across a broad range of practical and social contexts.

Terms and conditions

This booking is made on Culture Trip’s T&Cs but please note that the contract for the purchase of the experience is between you and Vamos as per their terms.

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