A Neighbourhood Guide to Brixton, London

Brixtons Afro-Caribbean heritage has contributed to the buzzy street-food scene
Brixton's Afro-Caribbean heritage has contributed to the buzzy street-food scene | © Gerard Puigmal / Moment Open

Known for its lively nightlife, central street market and Afro-Caribbean heritage, Brixton is a buzzing neighbourhood at the heart of south London. It’s also the capital of Afro-Caribbean culture in Britain – after the transformative arrival of the Windrush generation. Here’s how the locals enjoy it.

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In the 1860s, the construction of a railway between Brixton and central London brought many middle-class families to the area; by the early 20th century, it was a thriving retail hub, with south London’s largest shopping centre, as well as pubs, cinemas and a theatre. After falling into post-war decline, the neighbourhood was transformed by the arrival of the Windrush generation in 1948. Caribbean-owned restaurants, shops and markets proliferated, and at the end of the 20th century, a square was renamed Windrush Square to celebrate its Afro-Caribbean community.

Brixton’s status as the beating heart of Britain’s Afro-Caribbean community can be seen everywhere – from the many Caribbean food stalls in Brixton market to the Black Cultural Archives on Windrush Square. However, gentrification has swept through many of London’s working-class neighbourhoods, and Brixton is no exception. Side by side with longstanding local businesses you’ll find artisan coffee shops, boutique clothes stores and pop-up food markets in shipping containers.

Despite this, Brixton retains its unique identity and cultural heritage. Large, colourful murals, painted by local artists, illuminate the walls of Brixton Hill and on the sides of houses on the neighbourhood’s residential streets. Century-old venues such as the Ritzy Cinema are standing strong, while at night, revellers file in and out of Brixton’s lively bars, pubs and underground music venues.

With continuous regeneration and the supersonic Victoria Line zipping passengers from Brixton to Oxford Circus in just over 10 minutes, today Brixton is more popular than ever. Though social divisions continue to plague the borough, it remains a neighbourhood with community at its heart, and continues to fly the flag for Afro-Caribbean culture and history in Britain.

Brixton’s streets are full of colour and creativity
Chip Shop Brixton serves up fish and chips to a hip-hop soundtrack
Its street art gives Brixton an upbeat edge – much of it referencing the Afro-Caribbean community
Many artists and musicians, including David Bowie, have called Brixton home
Electric Avenue, round the corner from Electric Lane, was the first market street to be lit by electricity
Caribbean food stalls and restaurants nod to the Black heritage of the borough
Hootananny is one of several longstanding music venues
The Ritzy Picturehouse opened in 1911
Pop Brixton is a commercial food market housed in shipping containers
People flock to the borough for its cool street-food scene and buzzing nightlife
Large, colourful murals dotted throughout the borough are painted by local artists
There’s an eclectic, multicultural restaurant scene here
Brixton Village is the neighbourhood’s central market where gentrification is in full swing
Clothes, textiles and homewares with an Afro-Caribbean theme
Coffee roasteries sit alongside hair salons and market stalls in Brixton Village
There are plenty of stalls selling fruit, veg, herbs and spices at Brixton Village
Brockwell Park, in the heart of Brixton, is best known for its lido
On a sunny day, locals flock to Brixton’s outdoor spaces
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