The Perfect Patriotic Fourth of July Desserts You Need To Make

Take classic American treats like Smores to the next level with patriotic Fourth of July twists
Take classic American treats like S'mores to the next level with patriotic Fourth of July twists | © Elena Shashkina / Alamy Stock Photo
Culture Trip

From backyard BBQs to picnics, this Fourth of July is considerably more low-key than usual – with fewer parades or crowds at fireworks displays. But Covid-19 doesn’t have to ruin all the fun, and you can still celebrate by whipping up these delicious desserts, which will make any party just that little bit more patriotic.

Loved by over 40s

Think the Fourth of July, and the Stars and Stripes immediately come to mind. Here, Culture Trip has put together a list of mouthwatering desserts that you might like to try for your celebratory party.

Firecracker popsicles

These popular sweet treats have become synonymous with July 4 because of their patriotic red, white and blue coloring. They’re easy to whip up and are perfect to keep the kids cool throughout the day. Choosing a homemade option also makes them that little bit healthier, and all you need is strawberries, blueberries, yoghurt and a bit of sugar.

Red, white and blue popsicles are fun for the whole family

Involving the kids will also make the experience a little more exciting, and who better to borrow the recipe from than Martha Stewart. Click here to make tasty popsicles that will keep everyone happy.


Give me some more… and more. That’s what your guests will be crying out if you serve up these beauties, so make sure there are enough ingredients to go round. You don’t need to gather around the campfire to serve them up – a family Independence Day BBQ is just as good.

S’mores are a classic American treat

Use this recipe from Country Living to serve up strawberry, chocolate and peanut butter s’mores. And again, this easy recipe is perfect to get the kids involved.

Red, white and blueberry pizza

Another easy, patriotic dessert that is fairly quick and easy to make, this is simple, yet colorful, and a great addition to any table. Cookie dough topped with cream cheese, strawberries and blueberries, who wouldn’t want to try it? Head to Woman’s Day to try out the recipe. For an added edge, you could always add some ice cream into the mix.

Fourth of July cookies

These quick and easy cookies will take you just 20 minutes from start to finish. So, if you’re really keen to impress your guests, you could pop them in the oven right before serving. They’ll come out warm, and your guests will definitely be impressed.

Topping them with red, white and blue candy gives that extra pop of color and makes them perfect for Fourth of July celebrations. Try the recipe from Buns in My Oven here.

Red, white and blue Fourth of July cookies are a festive addition to the celebrations

Patriotic no-bake cheesecake

This decorative dessert is a winner, especially since you won’t break into a sweat making it. It takes around 3.5 hours to assemble, but most of that time is down to making sure it sets properly. Topped with strawberries and blueberries, the colorful Stars and Stripes will wow your guests. Head to Allrecipes for an easy step-by-step guide to guarantee you get the perfect consistency.

Create an American flag cheesecake with blueberries and strawberries

American flag cake

The perfect centerpiece to your dessert table, this American flag cake will have your guests gasping when you slice into it. With the red, white and blue colors boldly coming through, you couldn’t get any more patriotic.

You’ll definitely need a bit of time for this one, since getting the colors right is all part of the process. Head to Allrecipes and get baking so you can wow those guests.

Put the spirit of the Stars and Stripes into your cake

American berry pie

Another one for those of you feeling brave, this decorative American berry pie developed by Land O’Lakes is definitely worth a try, and the stars and stripes pastry top give it that added edge. It’s filled with berries and strawberries and is perfectly finished off with a scoop of ice cream. Click here for the recipe.

An American flag berry pie will definitely impress

Firecracker milkshake

This quick and easy dessert requires ice cream and food coloring. It’s as simple as that. It’s also the perfect way to keep the kids entertained, and setting up an extra table with the ingredients to hand will make the experience all the more fun. Head to Delish for the recipe.

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