See Edinburgh Like Never Before With These Unique Experiences

Edinburgh is a totally unique city waiting to be discovered
Edinburgh is a totally unique city waiting to be discovered | © Ian Rutherford / Alamy Stock Photo
Culture Trip Travel Team

A visit to Edinburgh doesn’t have to be all tartan, bagpipes and ancient castles; there’s lots to do in the Scottish city beyond the most significant landmarks. This hand-selected list of activities and experiences will help you uncover Edinburgh’s unique side.

Loved by over 40s

Want to see the much-loved streets of Edinburgh from a whole new perspective? The city’s full of iconic landmarks, from the majestic castle to the towering Arthur’s Seat, but it’s well worth exploring the city’s quirkier offerings as well. Venture deep underground on a journey through the city’s grisly past, cruise through the waters toward a remote island or learn about the musical icons inspired by Scotland’s capital.


You’ll be given an immersive walking tour in the Old Town while listening to the music of the city. All you need to bring is your phone and headphones! During the tour many stories and curiosities will be told about local heroes, famous Scottish bands and international rockstars who lived in the city at some point in their careers. Did you know that David Bowie lived in Edinburgh for a while? What if I tell you that Nirvana gave a memorable concert in front of only 20 people in a famous pub in the city? If this wasn’t enough, all these stories will be amused with music (lots of it!) which will be played from one stop to the next. Make sure you have WhatsApp and a QR reader app installed in your Smartphone. Don’t forget to bring your headphones to live the experience to the fullest! At the end of the tour, you’ll be given a map with music-related things to do in the city as well as a playlist you can enjoy in your phone or from home, anytime!


I was born and brought up in Edinburgh and am passionate about locally produced food – I made a 16-series TV programme about eating and cycling in Scotland called The Woman Who Ate Scotland. I want the tour to be like a food-loving friend is taking you to their favourite places – like the best place to get scones warm from the oven, served with vanilla bean cream and homemade jam. Guests get to meet the makers – the fishmonger who smokes the salmon, the marshmallow lady who makes the marshmallows, the butcher who makes the haggis. I also give guests a guided tour of the fascinating history of the 18th-century UNESCO WORLD HERITAGE SITE of The New Town. I have been running my unique food tours for four years and am used by tour companies such as Abercrombie and Kent and also VisitScotland. I can also tailor tours to suit your group, from hen nights with safari hats to sourcing a piper to pipe you into a unique kilt shop!


The award-winning Edinburgh Literary Pub Tour was the first literary tour to be launched in Edinburgh in 1996! Why is it regarded by many as a pioneer in its field and a Must-See cultural attraction in guide books throughout the world – standing out from all the rest…….? Performed by professional actors and not academics or tour guides reciting from books. It represents great value for money and has a very high entertainment factor!Join the intrepid duo Clart ( as in muck!) and our clean-hankied intellectual Mcbrain, who will lead you on a brilliant and witty dramatic romp through the wynds, courtyards and pubs of Edinburgh’s Old and New Town. A Hilarious duel of wits across 300 years of great writing and colourful characters.


The Firth of Forth is simply overflowing with myths, turbulent history and fascinating marine wildlife. Join Forth Boat Tours on a 90-minute cruise to discover more about the Three Bridges, including the UNESCO World Heritage Forth Bridge. View the stunning Inchcolm Island and the medieval abbey, known as the Iona of the east. During your cruise, you will find plenty of opportunities to see a wide variety of marine wildlife including seals and puffins.

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It's the personal contact, the personal experiences. I love meeting people from all over the world... I really like getting to know everyone and feeling like I'm traveling with a group of friends.


I have so many places on my list, but I would really lobe to go to Africa. I consider myself an “adventure girl” and Africa feels like the ULTIMATE adventure!

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