Spain's Top Spa and Wellness Holidays

Combining the benefits of the Mediterranean with the treatments at these hotels, youll leave Spain a new person
Combining the benefits of the Mediterranean with the treatments at these hotels, you'll leave Spain a new person | Courtesy of Shanti Som /
Tara Jessop

Don’t let stress, unhealthy habits or the grind of daily life get the better of you. A visit to one of these wholesome wellness retreats in Spain will do your mind and body the world of good and get you back on the right track.

Loved by over 40s

The Ultimate Retreat


Outdoor pool with bridge at the Ultimate Retreat and palm trees around it
Courtesy of the Ultimate Retreat
There are three different types of program on offer at The Ultimate Retreat: a luxury bootcamp, a detox and wellness retreat and a yoga and wellness retreat. Each is designed to focus on one particular area of your wellbeing through carefully designed diets, gentle yoga or a more vigorous exercise program. The retreat is located on the Costa Blanca near Alicante, famous for its white-sand beaches, and includes access to an exclusive spa for the duration of your stay.

The Body Camp


Table set with place mats, cups, bottled water and potted flowers
Courtesy of the Body Camp
If Ibiza is best known for late-night parties and long days at the beach, The Body Camp offers a wholly different kind of experience on this dreamy Balearic Island. A luxury retreat, this exclusive bootcamp aims to give guests a holistic life-changing experience through healthy eating, regular exercise and mindful meditation and relaxation activities. There are plenty of fun games and social nights organised throughout the week as well, and of course all the sights and nightlife of Ibiza are available nearby.

The Reset Button

Spa Hotel

Based in Catalonia but migrating to stunning destinations across Europe, The Reset Button is designed to help you reset your body and mind. The retreat lasts a week, during which time participants have a daily schedule of yoga, mindfulness and outdoor activities designed to relax and revitalise. The three daily meals are cooked on-site by a professional chef and exclude caffeine, refined sugar and other harmful ingredients, while a one-on-one consultation with the in-house nutritionist allows guests to get a personalised assessment.

Shanti Som


Outdoor swimming pool on deck at Shanti Som
Courtesy of Shanti Som /
Feel yourself transported to the shores of Bali or Thailand without leaving Spain at the Shanti Som retreat in Andalusia. Located just a ten-minute drive from Marbella, this 14-bedroom boutique hotel offers guests the chance to sign up to energising yoga classes, as well as get personalised detox recommendations from the nutritionist. Those not looking to detox will enjoy the healthy but delicious offerings of Amrita, the Asian–Mediterranean fusion restaurant on site. Massages and treatments include ayurvedic, Thai and deep-tissue massage as well as aromatic facials and Oriental pedicures.

SHA Wellness Clinic


Infinity pool at SHA Wellness Clinic with palm trees and mountains in the distance
Courtesy of SHA Wellness Clinic
Adopting a holistic approach to wellbeing, the SHA Wellness Clinic offers a complete package of treatments and services grounded in medical innovation and natural therapies. This includes healthy nutrition, fitness, cognitive stimulation, aesthetic therapies, regenerative medicine and anti-aging treatments. Located on the shores of the Mediterranean, not far from Benidorm and the charming village of Altea, the clinic is surrounded by natural parkland.


Spa, Swimming Pool

Woman reading a book on sunbed by outdoor pool at Suryalila with fields in the background
Courtesy of Suryalila /
If you’re looking for a yoga retreat in Spain, and you want your yoga meditation to involve more than just a few downward facing dogs and the odd leg stand, Suryalila will give you a deeper understanding of what yoga can mean to you. The retreat is formed of eight old farmhouse buildings surrounded with orange and olive groves in the foothills of the Sierra de Grazelema in Andalusia. The awe-inspiring Om Dome is one of the most peaceful yoga rooms in Europe and from the outside resembles a Nepalese temple. Retreats include daily yoga practices and organic, vegetarian meals as well as access to the outdoor swimming pool.
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It's the personal contact, the personal experiences. I love meeting people from all over the world... I really like getting to know everyone and feeling like I'm traveling with a group of friends.


I have so many places on my list, but I would really lobe to go to Africa. I consider myself an “adventure girl” and Africa feels like the ULTIMATE adventure!

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