The 10 Best Comedy Nights in London

| © daliscar1 / Flickr
Georgina Wilson-Powell

London’s not short of places to go for a laugh – from glitzy iconic comedy clubs, to rough and ready pubs where you can catch intimate sets. There’s comedy on every night of the week so if you’re ready to chuckle, here are the best 10 comedy nights in London to check out.

Loved by over 40s

The Comedy Store Players


You can’t have a comedy night list without The Comedy Store, perhaps the most famous comic institution in London. Every Sunday night it brings together the best comics for improvised fun – and it nearly always features Paul Merton and Josie Lawrence.

Just the Tonic Saturday Night Show

Bar, British

The Comedy Loft hosts the Just the Tonic nights once a week in Camden with four different acts from the UK and abroad every week. You can pre-order food and drinks before you go and there’s always an after party after the show.

The Friday Night Show

Bar, Beer

Fridays are big league comedian time at the Up the Creek comedy club in Greenwich. Plus there’s plenty of surprises as the support slots are kept secret, so who knows who’ll you’ll see. This community focused comedy club also has free afternoon comedy sets for mums and you can bring the baby.

Top Secret Comedy Club

Nightclub, Bar, European

Popular with students and those on a budget, Top Secret is a back-to-basics comedy night in Soho, with a mix of up and coming new acts and TV-level comics looking to hone new material (regulars include Sean Walsh, Rich Hall, Eddie Izzard). It’s open every day bar Christmas Day. It’s raucous, underground and feels like a proper secret. Oh, and it’s got a cheap bar which always helps.

The 99 Club

The 99 Club consistently wins awards for being the best comedy club in London. It has five venues across London and has comedy on every night of the week. Expect to see a lot of panel show comics like Nathan Caton and Ivo Graham.

Laugh Out London

Laugh Out London organise comedy nights at a range of London venues from Tooting to Kings Cross. Coming up this summer is Sara Pascoe, Marcel Lucont and Andrew Maxwell.

Always Be Comedy

With two venues in south London, Always Be Comedy has regular nights that mix up top notch performers (Jack Dee, Harry Hill) with silly games and lots of audience participation.

The Piccadilly Comedy Club

Nightclub, European

Consistently a good laugh, The Piccadilly Comedy Club returns in June 2017 after its host pub, The Comedy Pub, gets a refurb. It runs shows Friday and Saturdays and for twenty quid you can also get a meal at Tiger Tiger next door. You’ll find a range of UK comedians and the club stays open until 2am if you want to stay on.

Soho Theatre

Theatre, Theater

Soho Theatre has a range of different comedy nights from pre-Edinburgh shows to smaller touring comedy works. Michael MacIntrye, Dom Joly and Sean Hughes are all slated for the summer to try new work.

Angel Comedy Pro Night

Pub, Pub Grub

Angel Comedy Pro Night, The Bill Murray, London
© Ewan Munro / Flickr
Angel pub The Bill Murray (yes, really) has comedy every night of the week and is geared towards many trying out new material, but once a month there’s a pro night where four big name comics come together to make you chuckle. This is a lovely new club with it’s heart in the right place.
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