The Best Restaurants in Angel, London

Breakfast brunch
Breakfast brunch | Photo by Rachel Park on Unsplash
Georgina Wilson-Powell

Angel’s Islington Green and Upper Street are one of the gems of north London. The latter is a treasure trove of indie bakeries, gift shops and restaurants, with many having been here for years rather than be replaced every couple of years by the latest trend. There’s a community feel up and down the street and in the summer it’s packed with diners on the pavement. Here are our favourites.

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The Breakfast Club

80s referencing, fry up slinging chain The Breakfast Club has popped up all over London, but this tiny spot in Camden Passage is a stand out. There’s a cardboard cutout of Elvis to welcome you in, a large courtyard out the back (if you’re not too hungover) and more breakfast options that you can shake a coffee mug at. It’s actually open all day and its brunches are legendary. Try the salted caramel banoffee pancakes.


Yotam Ottolenghi might be the star veggie chef but his long-standing Middle Eastern inspired restaurant on Upper St has been where ladies who lunch and yummy mummies brunch for yonks. Its long communal table is often awash with kids, but the food here is worth the noise. Get past the piles of meringues in the window and plump for Dukkah crusted mackerel with burnt aubergine yoghurt or mixed green beans and peas with coconut sambal, cucumber and coriander.

Le Mercury

French cuisine has kind of been overlooked over the last decade, but reasonably priced Le Mercury has weathered the storm – it’s an Upper St favourite. There are candle lit tables on three floors, a decent set price lunch and dinner menu of French bistro classics. French onion soup, steak frites and creme brulée, it’s all here.

Hoxley & Porter

Colonial meets north London at Hoxley & Porter, which is decorated like a turn of the century gentleman’s club but serves up posh pub food that’s good for a midweek catch up with mates. There’s Victorian style wallpaper, shaded lamps and dishes like lamb gigot marinated in garlic, roasted rack of pork marinated in paprika and tomato, squid and crayfish linguine. It’s not going to break the bank either.

Afghan Kitchen

This bright and airy two storey simple restaurant overlooks the pretty Islington Green and is a great spot for lunch. There’s always warm bread on the go and a ever changing rota of curries and rice – always a range of veggie and meat – and plenty of creamy dhal. Expect to find groups of students washing down the cheap filling curries with a few beers.

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It's the personal contact, the personal experiences. I love meeting people from all over the world... I really like getting to know everyone and feeling like I'm traveling with a group of friends.


I have so many places on my list, but I would really lobe to go to Africa. I consider myself an “adventure girl” and Africa feels like the ULTIMATE adventure!

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