The Most Beautiful Towns in Spain

Perched on the edge of the Tajo Gorge, Ronda is one of Spains more dramatically situated towns
Perched on the edge of the Tajo Gorge, Ronda is one of Spain's more dramatically situated towns | © Sean Pavone / Alamy Stock Photo
Monica Nastase

Spain is well known for its endless beaches, islands that give the Caribbean a run for its money and city breaks in vibrant destinations like Barcelona, Madrid and San Sebastian. But the country is also home to nearly 20,000 villages, wildly diverse in their architecture, traditions and culture. These are some of the most beautiful towns in Spain that you really ought to explore.

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Llastres, Asturias

Architectural Landmark

View of Lastres, one of the most beautiful villages of Cantabrian coast
© Jorge Garrido / Alamy Stock Photo

A typical fishing village, Llastres is nestled along the rocky Atlantic coast in Spain’s Asturias region. About a 30-minute drive east of Gijon, the largest city of Asturias, Llastres has a population of around 1,000 inhabitants and a long-standing fishing tradition. From the San Roque lookout point, you’ll get some stunning panoramic views of the town built on the hanging cliffs, with the Sueve Mountains as a backdrop. The old town is filled with historic buildings from Palacio de los Vallados to the famous Clock Tower built on a 15th-century lookout spot. Unmissable is the auction at the fish market, down by the seaside. Asturias is a rather rainy region, so the best months to see Llastres are from June to September.

Frigiliana, Andalusia

Architectural Landmark

Picturesque narrow street decorated with plants. Frigiliana, Andalusia, Spain.
© Studio Light & Shade / Alamy Stock Photo
Andalusia is filled with emblematic white villages dotted around its countryside and Frigiliana is one of the best-kept of them all. Settled on the side of a mountain, east of Málaga, the medieval town is a postcard image of Arab architecture. The old town is preserved intact and displays a typical Moorish center, with a labyrinth of steep, winding alleys climbing the hill and white buildings adorned with colorful flower pots. The 9th-century Moorish Lízar Castle perched on top of the mountain is another vestige of the region’s past.

If you like the distinctive beauty of Andalusia then you might like our Mini Trip, Seville Thrill: a Culture-Rich Adventure in Andalusia, which combines the region’s ancient wonders and culinary delights into one tasty itinerary.

Castellfollit de la Roca, Catalonia

Historical Landmark

Medieval village Castellfollit De La Roca on the edge of a cliff. Catalonia, Spain.
© JLBvdWOLF / Alamy Stock Photo

One of the most photographed spots in rural Catalonia, the town of Castellfollit de la Roca is set on a narrow basalt cliff at the foot of the Pyrenees mountain range. The unique shape of the cliff is due to the erosion of the two surrounding rivers, Fluvià and Toronell, on the remains of the cooled volcanic lava thousands of years ago. The medieval town is tiny, with less than 1sqkm (247 acres) making up its walkable area. The volcanic-rock houses blend with the Renaissance-style buildings on the narrow pathways of this eye-catching town.

Brush up on your Catalan and join us on an artistic adventure in Barcelona, where you’ll experience the glory of Gaudí alongside the city’s rich gastronomic culture.

San Vicente de la Barquera, Cantabria

Historical Landmark

Panoramica de San Vicente de la Barquera Cantabria Espana Landscape of San Vicente de la Barquera Cantabria Spain
© carmen sedano / Alamy Stock Photo

Located on the Cantabrian coast, this old fishermen’s town offers breathtaking views of both the sea and the mountains. San Vicente de la Barquera was built on the estuary of the river Gandarilla, with houses on both sides, connected by a 15th-century stone bridge. Dating back from Roman times, it was fortified in the 8th century, when the castle was built as well as a fortress. Part of the Oyambre Natural Park, the town is steeped in lush nature and surrounded by water on all sides. The Picos de Europa mountain range in the back looks like a massive guard for the fishing town. San Vicente also enjoys several kilometers of beaches, among which is the blue flag Merón beach.

Cadaqués, Catalonia

Natural Feature

Cadaques, Spain, Europe, Catalonia, Costa Brava, sea, Mediterranean Sea, coast, village, houses, homes, church, boats
© Prisma by Dukas Presseagentur GmbH / Alamy Stock Photo
Although far from Andalusia, Cadaqués is another picturesque white village in Spain, located on the Mediterranean rocky coast. Part of the Cap de Creus Natural Park, the town is accessible only through a narrow road, which is probably why its old charm is still intact. Well known as a place Salvador Dalívisited often and which was important to his artistic development, today there is a sculpture of the painter in the town center in front of the sea. The back cobblestone alleys, the stairs going up and down and the Cuban-inspired houses make the unique charm of this small Mediterranean port town. Walking into the sea, along the rocky shoreline, you’ll get a spectacular view of the white town and the colorful boats rocking on the beachfront.

Alcalá del Júcar, Castilla-La Mancha

Architectural Landmark

Roman bridge leading to Alcala del Jucar, Spain
© Marc Venema / Alamy Stock Photo

The medieval town of Alcalá del Júcar was a Moorish settlement built into the side of a mountain. Its houses are carved into the rocks and several built-in caves have the peculiar feature of being able to preserve a constant temperature year-round, a necessity on hot summer days. The ruins of an Arab fortress, dating back to the 12th century, sit on top of the canyon, with well-preserved houses leading up towards it. The ruins are another reminder of the region’s Moorish past, just like the town’s name, Alcalá, which means ‘fortress’ in Arabic. The bullfighting arena has an irregular shape, unique in Spain, and is one of the oldest in the country. Some of the best views of this charming town are from across the neighboring river.

Cudillero, Asturias

Architectural Landmark

Port at Cudillero, Asturias, Spain
© Kevin George / Alamy Stock Photo

Typical for many Asturian coastal towns, Cudillero sits on the side of the mountain facing the sea. Legend says it was founded by Vikings, but the earliest mention of it was in the 15th century as a fishing village. The main attraction is the town’s colorful houses, stretching out in a semi-circle around the bay, with a backdrop of deep green hills. Be immersed in the local culture and watch the fishing boats come back home in the evening with the day’s catch. The taverns in the old town serve the fresh fish and seafood captured by the locals. A short stroll from the town centre, a lighthouse sits on the cliff’s edge from where you can see the town of Cudillero and the impressive Atlantic coast.

For more adventures on Spain’s northern coast how about this Foodie Fling to Spain’s Basque Country? Four days of fine dining in Bilbao and San Sebastian, two cities world-renowned for their incredible cuisines.

Sóller, Mallorca

Hiking Trail, Natural Feature

Marina of Port de Soller, Mallorca, Balearic Islands, Spain, Europe
© Joana Kruse / Alamy Stock Photo

On the northeast coast of the island of Mallorca sits the town of Sóller and its port. It is connected with the capital Palma via a historic 1912 train line, which whisks you through orange and lemon orchards on a one-hour journey. The town square, with its imposing church, trees, open-air cafes and mountain backdrop, is one of the most beautiful on the island. The port of Sóller has an almost-circular shore where you can soak up the sun before enjoying a plate of grilled fish with garlic sauce and freshly squeezed orange juice, one of the town’s gastronomic delicacies.

Mogarraz, Castile and Léon

Architectural Landmark

Arquitectura tradiconal en Mogarraz. Sierra de Francia. Salamanca. Castilla Leon. Espana.
© agefotostock / Alamy Stock Photo

Naturally isolated between natural parks and mountain ranges, the medieval town of Mogarraz preserves the traditional architectural style and keeps old traditions alive. The town is located in the western part of Castile and Leon towards Portugal and has around 300 inhabitants. Mogarraz has a distinctive urban layout, with influences from the Arab and Jewish worlds, as well as houses with timbered bars and symbols carved in stone. The town’s artisanal tradition is widely known throughout Spain and abroad, especially for their jewellery work, traditional costumes and rustic embroidery. Strolling through Mogarraz, you might spot a few of the 14 water fountains scattered throughout the village, dating from 1600.

Ronda, Andalusia

Natural Feature, Historical Landmark

ES - ANDALUSIA: Puente Nuevo at Ronda
© / Alamy Stock Photo

Dramatically set above a deep canyon, the town of Ronda, near Málaga, Andalusia, is made up of two parts; the old Moorish settlement and the 15th-century town. In the 18th century, they were connected by a stone bridge, Puente Nuevo, to form today’s Ronda. The town is filled with history, from the Moorish and Spanish architecture to the massive Moorish city walls and hammams. Ronda’s baths were built at the end of the 13th century and are the best preserved in Spain. A walk down into the gorge along the Camino de los Molinos will offer a stunning view of this grand town and its monumental bridge.

A tour of this magical old town is one of the optional activities you could take on our four-day cultural exploration of Malaga, Granada and the surrounding region.

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