The Best Beaches In Gran Canaria, The Canary Islands

| © Nando Rivero / Alamy Stock Photo
Valeria Nikonova

Gran Canaria, in the Canary Islands, has more than 80 beaches, from well-equipped resorts to untamed and hidden strips of sand and beaches full of pebbles or black volcanic sand. We list the island’s most beautiful beaches.
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Las Maspalomas

© Ling Arzeian / Alamy Stock Photo

Maspalomas is the second longest beach in Gran Canaria, and is primarily famous for its vast dunes that often grace the covers of the travel guides for the Canary Islands. However, dunes are fragile ecosystems, and need to be visited with care. There are three signposted walking routes available for curious visitors, and information is available at the information point at the Playa del Inglés.

Las Canteras

Considered to be one of the top urban beaches in the world, the golden sands of Las Canteras occupy a few kilometers alongside the waterline of the bay. Las Canteras is also attractive for its near perfect windless weather throughout the year.

Playa de Mogán

Located in the resort of Puerto de Mogán, this beach features a fantastic marina bay and port. Mild winds, clear waters and golden sands make this place a perfect spot to observe small fish, relax, sunbathe and simply enjoy the moment. The beach has excellent equipment for a perfect holiday, including sunbeds and sunshades, pedalos, canoes, as well as various food and drink kiosks scattered across the strip.

Playa de las Alcavaneras

Playa de las Alcaravaneras is neatly situated within the capital city of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Despite its central location, this beach is less popular among tourists and locals, so it will be much easier to spot empty places regardless of what day of the week you will be visiting. Playa de las Alcavaneras also provides sunbeds and showers on the beach.

Playa Guayedra

This beach is notorious for the critical number of nudists who visit it annually. However, it will ideally suit all lovers of mother nature as it offers a natural landscape of the west coast rock cliffs, with dramatic flora and fauna and a beach that is a marvelous location for observing the sunrise or sunset. Guayedra beach is situated in close proximity to Agaete town in the Guayedra valley.

Güigüí Beach

The exotic, mountainous Güigüí Beach is located in the western part of the island. The beach is best accessible via a trekking path, marked as a moderately hard walking route. Enjoy the opportunity to witness the breathtaking views of the Teide volcano on the horizon, and to dip into the pristine and crystal clear waters of the Atlantic Ocean.

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