The Most Stunning Seaside Towns in Catalunya

It’s easy to see why Cadaqués has attracted artists of all genres over the years
It’s easy to see why Cadaqués has attracted artists of all genres over the years | © Ventura Carmona / Getty Images
Tara Jessop

With a spot on the Costa Brava, Catalunya is home to some of the most beautiful beaches in Spain. From small fishing towns to historic Roman ports, there are plenty of destinations where you can enjoy the Mediterranean breeze and soak up the local culture. Read on to discover the most beautiful seaside towns in Catalunya and start planning your next trip today.

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Discover the buzzing Catalan capital on our four-day Mini Trip to Barcelona – you’ll see the main attractions and top Gaudí sights with the help of our Local Insider.


Natural Feature

© Stephen Hughes / Alamy Stock Photo
Cadaqués is a charming coastal town that has often attracted great artists, including Salvador Dalí, Pablo Picasso and Joan Miró. It’s a popular weekend getaway for Barcelona residents, as it’s under three hours from the Catalan capital. One of its most remarkable features is the presence of Cuban-style houses. These were constructed by the wealthy descendants of Cadaqués residents who immigrated to Cuba in the early 20th century and achieved financial success.



Medieval Buildings in Sitges, Catalonia, Spain
© Itsanoemithing / Alamy Stock Photo
Sitges is a popular day trip with those staying in Barcelona, as it’s only 40km (25mi) south of the Catalan capital. Known for being one of the most LGBTQ-friendly towns in Europe, it has excellent restaurants, a vibrant nightlife scene and a sociable atmosphere. Also, many of the beaches surrounding Sitges have been awarded a blue flag by the European Union for their water quality. If you want to visit Barcelona itself, join our four-day Mini Trip to see the best art and architecture around the city.

Tossa de Mar

Archaeological site

Beautiful fortification town in the Costa Brava coast of Spain with the colors of the sea
© Artur Debat / Getty Images
Evidence shows that this historic town has been populated since the Neolithic era, and remains of its Roman and Medieval past are still visible today, including the Medieval wall that once surrounded the city. Despite its location on the waterfront, Tossa de Mar thrived thanks to its production of cork, exporting thousands of cork taps to America in the 18th and 19th centuries. Today, it’s a down-to-earth seaside town with a laid-back atmosphere and village feel.

Calella de Palafrugell

Architectural Landmark

A traditional whitewashed fisherman village and a popular travel and holiday destination in Calella de Palafrugell, Spain
© Boris Stroujko / Alamy Stock Photo
Part of Palafrugell, one of the largest towns in the area, Calella de Palafrugell is a small coastal resort and fishing town with a relaxed atmosphere. It has managed to preserve much of its original charm and escape the mass tourism that thrives in many other parts of the Costa Brava. The small beaches surrounding the area are perfect for those looking to escape the noise of larger resorts and indulge in some downtime.


Natural Feature

© imageBROKER / Alamy Stock Photo
This small coastal town is truly a hidden gem. It’s rich in historical monuments, authentic restaurants and some of the most beautiful and well-preserved beaches in the area. The secret to enjoying a trip to Begur is to venture away from the town centre and discover the smaller adjacent beaches, such as Aiguafreda, Sa Tuna and Aiguablava. Here, you’ll find one of the most picture-perfect, romantic spots on the Catalan coastline.

Sant Pol de Mar

Natural Feature

A view of Platja de les Barques Beach in Sant Pol de Mar, Spain
© Nito / Alamy Stock Photo
With not much more to it than a beach and a small town centre with a few restaurants, shops and hotels, Sant Pol de Mar is not one for those wanting busy bars and a party atmosphere. Indeed, it’s something of a secret among locals, only familiar to those who know the area and dare venture out from the main resorts. The spot’s popularity undoubtedly owes something to the sense of old-fashioned seaside fun, which comes with the absence of modern distractions. It’s perfect for those looking for nothing more than a quiet place to enjoy the sea breeze and the sound of the waves.

Fancy visiting more of Spain? Our four-day Mini Trip to the Basque Country is perfect for foodies, including a pinxtos tour of Bilbao and a trip to San Sebastian. Alternately, our Seville Mini Trip or our Andalucia Mini Trip are excellent for exploring Southern Spain. You can also browse our collections of Epic Trips, Mini Trips and Sailing Trips to find your next exciting destination.

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