The Best Beaches of the Languedoc

Languedoc Beaches
Languedoc Beaches | © Pierre de Sable / Flickr

The Languedoc’s beaches are vast and striking, with unbroken stretches of sand and backdrops of wild grasses. If you are visiting this gorgeous region of France, then make sure to spend sun-filled afternoons at one or more of Culture Trip’s top picks.

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© Patrick Janicek / Flickr


Espiguette is a complete delight and everything you’d hope for in a beach. It is the complete opposite of Provence’s pretty coves; it is wild and long with flamingos and lagoons to its back and the clear water of the Mediterranean at its front. Don’t expect many facilities and activities here, as those who frolic on its sands are here for it simply being an incredible beach.


Vias plage is perfect if you are in the Béziers area and want a beach that is not too far from the town center. Vias is the epitome of the Languedoc beach; sands that go on for miles, so that even in the height of summer, you still feel like you have your own spot.


© Christine und Hagen Graf / Flickr


In between Narbonne and Perpignan is 18 kilometers of Leucate sandy coastline. There are several names beaches around this area, with Leucate being excellent if you are exploring with family being right close to the village. Its position means it is the most sheltered stretch along this coastline.

If you’re in the area, Les Coussoules beach is definitely worth the visit, too. It is popular with those seeking a wilderness feel to their swim.


© Henry Burrows / Flickr


Portiragnes plage is a popular beach near to Béziers. However, as like with many of the Languedoc beaches, its vastness allows for it to never get overcrowded. One of the attractions of this beach is that you can park adjacently, reaching the beach by sweet sandy paths through the coastal grasses. Portiragnes is home to several large campsites and so the village itself is very well facilitated.


© Campus France / Flickr


Collioure‘s beaches have the feel of Provence over the Languedoc due to being more compact and cove-like. Collioure has three beaches and while they are certainly more crowded than the others on this list, their views of the Pyrenees and proximity to the coastal Catalan town itself make them one of the best spots in the region.


© Peter / Flickr


With its blue flag award denoting the cleanliness of the beach and water, Argelès beach is one of the best in the Languedoc. Argelès-sur-Mer is one of the most popular beach resorts on the coastline and as a result has excellent eateries and facilities. The old town retains its pretty charm considering the number of tourists.



This is the perfect pocket of coastline if you are visiting Perpignan (it is only 20 minutes by car) and don’t want to travel too far out of the city. Saint-Cyprien is a sandy stretch of beach that is popular with tourists and locals alike, due to its facilities and proximity to the city. Again, the Pyrenees make for a spectacular backdrop.

Cap d'Agde

Natural Feature

Cap dAgde
© Pepe Martin / Flickr
For those flying directly to the area, the Béziers Cap d’Agde Airport handily serves the resort, with an airport shuttle bus connecting the two after each flight.

Plage de la Franqui


Plage de la Franqui
© Tourisme-Leucate / Flickr

Plage de la Franqui

There are a handful of gorgeous beaches in the Narbonnaise en Méditerranée Natural Regional Park and one of our favorites is at La Franqui. Enjoy the best of both worlds here, with the much-loved wilderness feel but with facilities on hand.

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