The Best Chocolate Tours to Take in Costa Rica

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Jenn Parker

It has been estimated that one billion people eat chocolate everyday. The average American eats roughly twelves pounds of chocolate a year, while Europeans consume around fifteen pounds. When chocolate isn’t overly processed, it provides amazing health benefits. The history, production, and health benefits of chocolate is fascinating and you can find out more by taking one of these tours. Did you know – Culture Trip now does bookable, small-group trips? Pick from authentic, immersive Epic Trips, compact and action-packed Mini Trips and sparkling, expansive Sailing Trips.

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Caribbeans Coffee and Chocolate

Close up of chocolate bar

Caribbeans Coffee and Chocolate is a small family owned business based out of Puerto Viejo. Caribbeans is a sustainable perma-culture farm that places great value on the environment and local community and is working to ensure that both are taken care of. Caribbeans works closely with local indigenous tribes and provides livable and fair wages to those they employ. This is one of the best places in Costa Rica to learn about the history, growth, production, and distribution of chocolate from the Caribbean coast.

Rainforest Chocolate Tour

Mug of hot chocolate

The Rainforest Chocolate Tour is based out of La Fortuna. This very informative and hands-on experience will give you the opportunity to learn about the “food of the gods,” and how it is produced from tree to finished product. A highly experienced guide will share with you a wealth of information about cacao and chocolate. You will also get to try a traditional chocolate drink that was enjoyed by the great ancestors of this area.

Jaguar, Chocolate, and Waterfall Tour

This amazing tour combines three wonderful activities on the Caribbean coast: a visit to the Jaguar Rescue Center, an introduction to the world of chocolate in Costa Rica, and a beautiful walk to a waterfall. The chocolate portion of this tour will include visiting a family-owned cacao farm where you will learn all about how cacao is grown and harvested and made into chocolate. This family-friendly jaguar, chocolate, and waterfall tour will be an unforgettable one!

Sibu Chocolate Tour

Sibu is relatively new, but is already considered one of the top chocolate companies in Costa Rica. This small, but impressively productive company is adamant about producing organic, entirely produced in Costa Rica, and high quality in every measure, chocolate. The passion of Sibu shines through in their delectable assortment of chocolate products. Taking a tour of this highly innovative and sustainable company will be a completely captivating chocolate experience.

Bri Bri Chocolate Tour

Visiting the Bri Bri indigenous reserve in the foothills of the Talamanca mountains on the Caribbean coast is a truly wonderful cultural experience. During this tour, you will have the opportunity to learn all about the indigenous Bri Bri people, their culture, their way of life, their ancient remedies and herbal medicines, and then experience the original way in which chocolate was made. You will visit a cacao plantation and participate in making chocolate using the original tools and methods of the Bri Bri people. During this exciting chocolate tour at the Watsi Bri Bri community, you will taste five different flavors of chocolate.

La Iguana Chocolate Tour

La Iguana Chocolate is a family owned and operated sustainable cacao and chocolate company that is part of the small rural community of Mastatal in Puriscal. La Iguana has been growing cacao for the past thirty years and has been producing high quality organic chocolate for the past seven years. During this tour, you will learn about the process of cacao and chocolate production from the tree state to the finished product. This is an incredibly beautiful and bio diverse area to visit, as it is nestled at the foothills of La Cangreja National Park.

Finca Luna Nueva Chocolate Tour

Finca Luna Nueva is a sustainable rainforest eco lodge that goes beyond just being a environmentally friendly and beautiful place to stay, it also considers itself a “living classroom” where guests have multiple opportunities to learn through tours and workshops all about sustainability and eco conscious practices that can be incorporated back into everyday life. The chocolate tour at Finca Luna Nueva is a “thousand-year chocolate journey.”

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