The Best Hostels to Book in Cancún, Mexico, for Budget Travelers

Stay at a budget-friendly hostel in Cancún without foregoing the best views of the city
Stay at a budget-friendly hostel in Cancún without foregoing the best views of the city | Courtesy of Mayan Monkey Hotel and Hostel Cancún /
Sam Murray

Copy Desk and Production Manager

Book a budget-friendly hostel in Cancún to connect with an international crowd of backpackers – conversation flows nicely after a reggaeton-soundtracked happy hour or come-together meal at the local taquería.

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Yes, Cancún is party central and home to the spring breakers, but it doesn’t have to be expensive. Instead, save your pesos for the things that really matter – a visit to Chichén Itzá, swimming with whale sharks or diving in cenotes, perhaps. The Mexican city on the Caribbean coast presents plenty of opportunities to cut back: margarita deals, cheap street food and these excellent wallet-friendly hostels in Cancún

Selina Cancún Downtown


Double room at Selina Cancún Downtown has wooden flooring and walls, along with a quirky mural and industrial chic furniture
Courtesy of Selina Cancún Downtown /

This Cancún accommodation stays true to the trademarks of this popular international hostel brand. The familiar blend of colorful wall art, beach-house vibes and gentle-on-the-budget rates attract in-the-know travelers. You can choose between shared dorms or private rooms at this Cancún hostel and there are always fun social opportunities on the cards with the likes of regular mezcal tastings and pool parties. The downtown location also puts it within a quick walk from Cancún’s nightlife.

Mayan Monkey Hostel and Bar


Dining area at Mayan Monkey Hostel has tall ceilings, low hanging rattan lights, wooden furniture, wall plants and a water slide running through it
Courtesy of Mayan Monkey Hostel /

Mayan Monkey is a step up from your run-of-the-mill backpacker bolthole – particularly in the private rooms or shared dorms where you’ll find stylish light woods and floor-to-ceiling views over neighboring Nichupté Lagoon. An inviting dipping pool sits on a stilted deck overlooking those same waters, along with a bar where you can congregate for the daily happy hour. Undoubtedly, the party will continue to the bars and clubs – but the Hotel Zone location means you can slink off early if you want.

The Yellow Capsule


Pod at the Yellow Capsule has futuristic design, bold lighting, plug sockets and a built-in safe
Courtesy of the Yellow Capsule /

Capsule living comes to Cancún at this sci-fi hostel. You’ll stay in spaceship pods, all white with bright lighting. But most of your time will be spent in the common areas – the open-air terrace lit by romantic string lighting is certainly the highlight. A stay comes with breakfast plus coffee throughout the day and you’ll get a shuttle to the airport when it’s time to head home.

Selina Cancún Laguna Hotel Zone


Double room at Selina Cancun Laguna Hotel Zone has tropical decor, quirky art on the wall, lounge seating and air conditioning facilities
Courtesy of Selina Cancun Laguna Hotel Zone /

A lagoon-like outdoor pool is the place to gather during the day at this hotel-hostel hybrid, forgetting the excesses of the night before while chilling on a chaise lounge or under the shade of a thatched-roof hut known as a palapa. Relax further on the yoga deck, in the library, or with a massage in the wellness center. As the evening draws in, glam up before heading to the on-site restaurant, which serves Yucatécan cuisine and zesty margaritas. The dorms – called community rooms – sleep between four and eight, or you can opt for a private room if you prefer,

This is an updated version of an article originally written by Jack Guy. Leon Beckenham contributed additional reporting.

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