The Best Hotels to Book in Kampala, Uganda

Enjoy the lake view from the infinity pool at the Munyonyo Commonwealth Resort
Enjoy the lake view from the infinity pool at the Munyonyo Commonwealth Resort | Courtesy of Munyonyo Commonwealth Resort / Expedia
Paul Stafford

Palaces, royal tombs and a national museum keep travellers to the Ugandan capital city of Kampala busy for days. There are plenty of art galleries and religious buildings dotted along many of the often rather hectic streets to explore, but, when it comes to relaxing at the end of the day, these hotels in Kampala – bookable with Culture Trip – offer the perfect antidote to the heat and noise.

Loved by over 40s

The Emin Pasha Hotel, for historic charm


Mediterranean-style outdoor pool at the Emin Pasha Hotel, flanked by blue sun loungers and cream-coloured parasols
Courtesy of The Emin Pasha Hotel / Expedia

On a hilly road in the creative Nakasero district of Kampala, the Emin Pasha Hotel is a classy establishment. There’s a distinct sense of yesteryear in the building, where rooms contain clawfoot bathtubs and antique wooden furniture and have french doors that open onto lush gardens filled with vines, trees and flowering shrubs. Amid the greenery, you will also find a spa and an outdoor pool.

Speke Resort Munyonyo, for stunning natural beauty


Thatched-roof cottages at Speke Resort Munyonyo, surrounded by trees
Courtesy of Speke Resort Munyonyo / Expedia

Kampala sits on the northern shore of Lake Victoria. Speke Resort Munyonyo makes good use of that proximity, occupying a tree-filled space near Murchison Bay. Wander through the grounds, past ponds and the large outdoor pool to the hotel’s own marina, where you can take a trip on the lake in a motorboat. The best rooms are in the round, thatched-roof cottages, which have a spiral staircase at their core and plush four-poster beds.

The Hub Hotel, for a home from home


Roofed outdoor dining area at the Hub Hotel Restaurant and Spa
Courtesy of The Hub Hotel Restaurant and Spa

The Hub Hotel offers a homier, more personal touch to guests who stay here – thanks in part to its small size. The main building feels more like a house than a hotel, with simple, clean rooms and modern wooden furnishings. Most people visit the Hub for the restaurant, which serves a continental breakfast to guests in the morning – included in the room fee – and Ugandan cuisine during the rest of the day.

Kampala Serena Hotel, for delectable dining

Business Hotel, Chain Hotel, Hotel, Eco-Lodge

The terracotta-coloured facade of the Kampala Serena Hotel, next to a green pond and trees
© Kampala Serena Hotel

Among the top, most consistently popular hotels in central Kampala is the Serena Hotel. The property has acres of leafy gardens and a free-form swimming pool that darts beneath palm trees and waterfall features. Dining at the Serena is a highlight at the Lakes Restaurant, a patisserie, a champagne bar and four other bars and restaurants. Elegantly appointed rooms include East African artworks and a double sink in the bathrooms.

Lake Victoria Serena Golf Resort & Spa, for a weekend filled with activities

Resort, Golf Hotel, Villa

Gold course with view of Lake Victoria Serena Golf Resort and Spa and a verdant hill in the background
© Lake Victoria Serena Golf Resort and Spa

To the south of the city – on the shores of Lake Victoria – there’s another Serena property that receives consistent praise from guests. Although it’s much less central, the extra space at this golf resort and spa make the journey away from the centre of Kampala worthwhile. Not only does the hotel have a nine-hole golf course, but there are also tennis courts, a boating marina and an elegant outdoor pool to enjoy – reflecting the hotel’s Mediterranean-style architecture.

Hotel Africana, for doing business in the heart of the city


A handful of people relaxing by and walking past the outdoor pool at Hotel Africana
Courtesy of Hotel Africana/ Expedia

There’s a small golf course beside Hotel Africana, which enjoys a city-centre location. This is a vast hotel with hundreds of rooms, catering equally well to leisure and business tourists. The latter often stay here for the 15 separate conference and meeting rooms, some of which hold up to 200 people. Meanwhile, the outdoor pool and large fitness centre – with many different weight machines – are excellent facilities for all guests.

Protea Hotel by Marriott Kampala, for a super-comfortable stay

Hotel, Chain Hotel

Driveway to the lit building of the Protea Hotel by Marriott Kampala at night
Courtesy of Protea Hotel by Marriott Kampala / Expedia

Marriott’s Protea Hotel is in the heart of the main administrative and embassy region of Kampala, a leafy neighbourhood with plenty of bars and restaurants nearby. There’s a restaurant on site, containing Ugandan art and serving regional cuisine. Marriott’s dependable style is upheld at this property – where even the standard rooms are extremely spacious, providing plush furnishings and warm decor. Suites add a sitting area and balcony.

Le Petit Village Hotel Kampala, for an authentic experience


Oval outdoor pool at Le Petit Village Hotel Kampala, with a thatched-roof house in the background
Courtesy of Le Petit Village Hotel Kampala / Expedia

As the name suggests, Le Petit Village feels like a self-contained little village, where all necessary amenities are provided – such as a brasserie, an outdoor pool and even a small upscale supermarket. Choose between a half or full board or a bed-and-breakfast stay. Even the elegant design of the interior and exterior spaces are influenced by Ugandan rural living – with thatched-roof buildings, hardwood floors and decorative pebble or tile mosaic walls.

Munyonyo Commonwealth Resort, for staying active on holiday

Luxury, Resort

Palm trees by the water in front of a house at the Munyonyo Commonwealth Resort
Courtesy of Munyonyo Commonwealth Resort / Expedia

Next-door neighbours of – and sharing a lot of facilities with – the Speke property, Munyonyo Commonwealth Resort is a great place to stay active, with a squash court, a large fitness centre and tennis courts on site. This is also a great family option – with a play area, a children’s pool and childcare services for an additional fee. If the kids are a bit older, connecting rooms are available to give them – and you – that extra space.

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