The Best Men's Grooming Spots in Hackney and Shoreditch

Brooklyn is home to a number of high-quality barbershops
Brooklyn is home to a number of high-quality barbershops | © 279photo Studio / Shutterstock

We’ve scoured East London for the best male grooming establishments so you don’t have to. From hidden Hackney gems to Old Street‘s best-known destinations, consider this your must-have guide to what’s what when it comes to finding that perfect cut.

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The General’s Store

There’s a no-nonsense approach to The General’s Barbershop in Hackney, and its initial inconspicuous position next to London Fields is a far cry from where the brand is today. The epitome of East London-cool, The General’s Barbershop launched as a pop-up in Netil Market and was set in a purpose-built shopping container with a similarly low-key approach to interior design. Its popularity allowed for quick expansion and the now fully fledged concept store is positioned under the railway arches in London Fields. The approach to treatments remains the same, however, but it now comes with a little added luxury. The current barbershop features a well-stocked bar, Italian coffee, an art exhibition space as well as offering its highly-regarded grooming services. A 15-minute beard trim starts at £10 and a haircut costs around £25.


A man gets a straight-razor shave

Despite now being open in various locations across the city, Murdocks is an East London business through and through, and it draws from the creative elements of the area within everything that it represents. The first store opened on Old Street in 2006 and it’s now positioned on our most-loved road in the city, Redchurch Street. Every element of the brand is considered and it champions a contemporary approach to luxury, exuding confidence in its service and product that’s admirable and far from arrogant. The menu of services is a comprehensive one, and options of note include the facial (£35) and the How To Shave Tutorial (£75) which is exactly what it says on the tin, plus a wet shave by one of the establishment’s knowledgable stylists.

Huckle the Barber

There’s nothing pretentious about Huckle the Barber, but owner, Chris Ward, is confident in his own skills and his team’s expertise and rightly so – the quality here is undoubtedly high. The atmosphere is relaxed and welcoming and the playlist is one that’s sure to spark your imagination. Sit back in one of the carefully chosen leather chairs and enjoy a glass of whiskey or a locally-sourced beer whilst you have your treatment. A shave with a cut-throat razor costs £40 and a wash and haircut £45.

Jack The Clipper

Every barber at Jack The Clipper has Turkish heritage and draws from ancient techniques within his/her work, applying them to the latest trends to fuse quality with aesthetic. But it’s the witty branding that sets this establishment apart from its competitors, as well as the commitment to the wonder that is facial hair (they offer a service that’s especially tailored to ‘the biggest beards’). From a classic wash and cut to The Ultimate Barbering Experience (£58 at the Bow Lane branch) customers have the option to make a quick pit stop or to indulge in a longer session of pampering.

Jimmy Bodur

A client receives a beard and mustache grooming in a barbershop

Male grooming doesn’t come much more comprehensive than at Jimmy Bodur on Old Street, where its owner, Jimmy, specialises not only in aesthetic treatments such as facials, hair removal and male manicures, but also in massage therapy. He believes that deep tissue sports massage can not only have physical benefits, but psychological gains as well, and the main aim with everything on the treatment menu is to ensure the customer leaves feeling that little bit better about himself.

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