The Best Oceanside Bars in the Exumas

The harbour at Stocking Island is a popular stopover in the Exumas
The harbour at Stocking Island is a popular stopover in the Exumas | © Per Breiehagen / Getty Images
Elizabeth Harris

Made up of more than 365 cays, the Exumas is a dreamy part of the Bahamas known for its far-flung beaches and off-the-beaten-track bars. To find the best spots, spend a lazy day sailing. Good things come to those who are willing to leave the capital of Georgetown and head further afield. Here are some of the best oceanside bars in the Exumas.

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Chat ‘N’ Chill

Bar, Cocktails, $
Chat ‘N’ Chill’s philosophy is written right into their name – if you’re looking for a beach bar where you can kick back and unwind, this is the place for you. This Exumas hideaway specialises in grilled favourites such as BBQ ribs and butterflied chicken served with rice and slaw. Head there on Sundays for a whole pig roast available from noon until it’s gone.

Santanna’s Bar & Grill

Bar, Seafood
Sit under the shade of a palm frond and watch the waves roll onto the sand. This joint is all about the simple pleasures with grilled lobster, ribs, and jerk chicken on the menu. Help yourself to cocktails and keep an eye on the shoreline where you might be lucky enough to see baby sharks swimming in the shallow water.

Haulover Bay Bar & Grill Restaurant

Bar, Caribbean
If you like cold beer and warm service, head to this bar at Rolletown on Great Exuma. This extra welcoming Bahamian establishment makes the most of its waterside location with steps leading down to the beach. If you’re lucky enough to catch the tide change, venture out onto the sandbars while you wait for your drinks. Keep your eyes peeled to spot rays, starfish, turtles, and even lemon sharks.

Splash Bar & Grill at Hideaways Palm Bay

Bar, Caribbean, $$
For a family-friendly beach bar, look no further than this spot at Hideaways Palm Bay. Take a swing on one of the suspended bar seats or head to the pool tables for a game or two. The bar also has board games and a box of children’s toys to keep little ones entertained. Out on the beach terrace, there are views straight to the ocean flanked by palm trees.

Exuma Point Beach Bar and Grille

Bar, Caribbean
Budget-friendly and basic, Exumas Point Bar is the best place for pared-back beach dining. Enjoy rum cocktails and feel the cool breeze coming off the water. If you’re looking for Sunday brunch, you’ll love the all-you-can-eat buffet with local favourites from Bahamian mac and cheese, peas, and rice to fried fish and plantain. Make sure you leave time to check out the tiny gift shop next door.

Big D’s Conch Spot

Bar, Caribbean, $$
This rainbow-coloured beach bar is just off Queen’s Highway on Great Exuma, overlooking the narrow sandy beach. Head here for punchy rum cocktails and the house specialty – conch – served fried, in fritters, or in a ceviche-style salad. If you’re lucky, Big D himself might greet you. He’s a big-hearted host, who makes this spot even more special.

Shoreline Beach Club

Bar, Caribbean, $$
This easy-going beach hideout is a perfect spot for a lunch break or evening drinks. Set back from the main road, it’s easy to miss but worth hunting out for the warm welcome when you arrive. Take a table on the beach or lie back on a hammock. This bar rewards hungry visitors with conch fritters, fried grouper, and fish tacos.
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