The Best Places to Practice Yoga in Costa Rica

Where better to practice yoga than in these spots in India
Where better to practice yoga than in these spots in India | © / Alamy
Jenn Parker

Costa Rica is well known for its biodiversity, rainforests, adventure tours, great surf, and friendly locals. The beautiful country also happens to be a top destination for yoga enthusiasts. Below are the best options for a Costa Rica yoga retreat.

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Anamaya Resort

Anamaya is a luxury boutique retreat center that is elevated above the peaceful bohemian town of Montezuma. The views of the ocean and rainforest are spectacular and make for a surreal setting to practice yoga. This center offers retreats, yoga teacher training courses, and individual classes throughout the year. They also have a fabulous spa and organic restaurant.

Successful Retreats

Successful Retreats is a wellness and education center located in the heart of the Diamante Valley. This center conducts workshops that relate to sustainable living, health and wellness, spirituality, and personal growth. The center is located near several waterfalls and surrounded by nature.

Blue Osa Yoga Retreat and Spa

Blue Osa is an eco-friendly destination located on the Osa Peninsula, just steps away from the beach. Join a retreat, host a retreat, or create a specialized yoga vacation at Blue Osa. All meals are organic and farm to table, served in a communal setting.

Nosara Yoga Institute

The Nosara Yoga Institute has been a famous retreat and teacher training center since 1994. The state of the art institution in Nosara has retreats, community classes, and teacher trainings throughout the year. Nosara is also Costa Rica’s wellness capital , and it’s an ideal place to fully zen-out, maintain balance, and completely embrace the yogi lifestyle.

Cala Luna

Cala Luna is a luxury boutique hotel located a skip away from Playa Langosta. The hotel is made up of a series of completely detached villas with their own pools, kitchens, driveways, and backyards. Cala Luna is secure and surrounded by lush vegetation and wildlife, including howler monkeys, tropical birds, iguanas, and butterflies. The yoga shala is a gorgeous open air space where monkeys have been known to pass through via the trees.

Samasati Nature Retreat

Samasati Nature Retreat is worth a visit from yogis and non-yogis alike. Located on the Caribbean side of Costa Rica, Samasati has two yoga and meditation centers, a juice bar, an open air restaurant, a spa, and an outdoor jacuzzi.

Punta Mona

Punta Mona is also located on the Caribbean coast and is referred to as “the land of freedom.” Punta Mona is an educational center and a retreat that offers workshops in permaculture, sustainable building, herbal medicine, and yoga teacher training. Punta Mona’s teaching philosophy emphasizes living an environmentally and health conscious existence in harmony with one another.

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