The Best Yoga and Meditation Retreats in Ibiza

Yoga | © Ibiza Retreats

Beyond the package holidays and the heavy bass lines of Ibiza clubland, the island has always had a soulful, hippy vibe where people come to turn off, get back to nature and unwind. And with hedonism reportedly on the wane, the community of retreats, healers and yogis have recently taken centre stage. The clubbers of yesterday are the yoga bunnies of today, and the island now attracts the world’s finest instructors, offering retreats in the most beautiful surroundings. Here, we share seven of the best yoga and meditation retreats Ibiza has to offer.

Loved by over 40s

Yogarosa Retreats

Yogarosa Retreats are exactly how you’d imagine an Ibizan yoga retreat to be. The retreat is set among the scented pine forest down a windy lane, and you stay in a beautiful Ibizan whitewashed house, with space for quietness and a pool for relaxing. The staff are friendly and accommodating, and have your every whim catered for. As with many retreats, it’s holistic in nature and focusses on good nutrition, getting out into nature, relaxing and practising daily yoga.

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Ibiza Retreats for Women

Ibiza has its own goddess protector in the form of Goddess Tanit, so it is only appropriate that if you’re looking for an all-female retreat where you can connect with your inner woman and natural rhythms, then Ibiza, with Tanit by your side, is the perfect place to be. Courses last five days and take place in a beautifully renovated two-centuries-old finca located in the picturesque northern part of the island.

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BeYoga – Wild Soul Retreat

If you want a retreat that will ignite your senses and put some spark back into your life, the Wild Soul Retreat is a perfect balance of focused practice and adventure. After a delicious healthy breakfast each morning, followed by your daily practice, you get to visit some of the island’s famous natural locations, dance to the drums on Benirras beach and unwind at the many local calas of the north. With your ying and your yang balanced, you’ll head home with a well-balanced head and a bouncier spring in your step.

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Ayurveda Yoga and Meditation Retreat

With two sessions of yoga a day and daily talks and workshops, this retreat is a chance to really focus on yourself. The six-day retreat will restore and revive your whole being, and the team even offer extended support once you get back home to help keep up the good habits you’ve built. To help you make the most of Ibiza while you are here, they can also arrange horseback riding, spa treatments and outings around the island.

Yoga Mindfullness Ibiza Retreat

‘You shine no matter what you are made of,’ says the team behind this positive, self-loving retreat. Mindfulness can be a positive change in your life, and when paired with yoga and daily practice, the effects start to show. If you want to feel more in the now and start living your life the way you want to, kickstart that change with a week at this yoga retreat in the north of the island.

Transformational Meditation and Yoga Retreat

This is a ten-day retreat of healing and discovery. The team at Almond Blossom focuses on classic hatha yoga workshops, Pranayama (breathing) guided meditations, sound healing and art therapy. If there is a particular issue or moment in your life you’d like to focus on, this retreat offers one-to-one coaching to help clear the mind. It also offers bespoke detox menus for each participant to cleanse the body, as well as workshops about practicing self-love to raise the spirits. The retreat offers you a platform to ‘let go of the past and consciously create your future’ among the beautiful and natural environment of the luxurious Hacienda Morna in the east of Ibiza.

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The Wild Heart High Spirit Retreat

Each element of this programme by Supersoul Yoga has been well thought out to restore and nurture all levels of your being. With groups of no more than 13 participants, over the six days you have living/dancing or restorative yolates (a mixture of pilates, dance and yoga) classes, as well as cooking classes and nutrition workshops. The 400-year-old finca that you get to call home is nestled in the Ibizan hills, and most of the classes are held in the geodesic dome with fantastic views down the valley. All food is vegan.

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Looking for more wellness on the White Isle? Check out the Culture Trip bookable guide to the most luxurious spas on Ibiza.

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