The Most Relaxing Spas in València

The hydrotherapy at Las Arenas Spa will leave you feeling like a new person
The hydrotherapy at Las Arenas Spa will leave you feeling like a new person | © Las Arenas Spa

There are plenty of ways to relax in València, with its incredible sights and vast sandy beaches. But if you feel in need of some serious pampering, the city also has some top-rated spas, with everything from thermal treatments to massages and manicures. A spa day in Valencia combines everything we love about the Spanish lifestyle – indulgent food, nature, and healthy living – with incredible relaxation. Here’s our pick of València’s top spas to leave you feeling completely rejuvenated.

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Caroli Health Club


Caroli Spa treatment for a couple with spa baths beside
© Westin Valencia
Describing itself as an oasis of wellness in the city centre, this lavish spa is found at the stylish Westin Hotel, set in a carefully refurbished historic building. The large (over 400 square metre) spa area includes a 12.5 metre-long saltwater pool, Jacuzzi, Finnish sauna and Hamman, all in surroundings inspired by the Valèncian orange groves. Work out in the fitness area or take a pilates class before indulging in a chocolate facial or grape and champagne body treatment, or simply relax on one of the hotel’s outdoor terraces.

Spa Las Arenas


Cabins for private treatments at the Las Arenas Spa, Valencia
© Las Arenas Spa
You’ll be swept away by the array of luxurious treatments available at beachfront hotel Las Arenas. The hotel’s spa has a hydrotherapy spa circuit, steam room and ice fountain, plus all kinds of holistic and Eastern-inspired therapies and beauty treatments using Sisley products. You can relax in one of the spa’s private cabins, where time seems to stand still and you can enjoy exclusive treatments in peace. There are also two outdoor pools, and possibly the most refreshing thing of all is lounging in the garden, enjoying the cool Mediterranean breeze coming in from the sea.

Now You Spa


The Now You Spa is in the perfect location for those visiting the congress centre, but this peaceful oasis is also very much worth the short trip from other parts of central València. Skin treatments, massages and much more are available, and treatment rooms for two people are available with private bathrooms. Check the website for special offers as they often have good deals available.

Hidrópolis Aqua Spa


This modern, popular spa located in the city centre is small in size but offers everything you could want or need, from thermal baths to facials and massages. It offers various different packages depending on what you’re after, including some weekday bargain packages. The website is only in Spanish, but the spa’s friendly, (sometimes) English-speaking staff are very helpful.

Spa Urbano Navarro Catalán


A small but highly recommended spa in central València, known for its sophisticated atmosphere and zen style, with dim lighting, candles and soft music. Enjoy a luxurious bath with rose petals while sipping jasmine tea, before a Cleopatra oil massage or body scrub. A treat that you definitely won’t forget in a hurry.

Balneario La Alameda


This famously beautiful historic building contains a Roman spa circuit with hot and cold pools, water jets, sauna and Turkish bath. You can also choose from treatments including mud bath, full body massage and much more. The one drawback is that this popular spa can get crowded at weekends, so visit during the week if you can.
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