The Most Romantic Spots to Visit in Nice, France

| © JOHN KELLERMAN / Alamy Stock Photo
Alex Ledsom

There’s nothing more amazing than enjoying a special moment with someone you care about – when you’re able to be “in the moment” and enjoy each other, sharing a great experience (maybe a glass of something rather spectacular, while looking out at an amazing view). Here’s our pick of romantic spots in Nice, where the views, the food, the drink, the history or the atmosphere is amazing on its own and even better when shared.

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Discover the history of Nice’s Old Port

The port in Nice dates back to 1745 when the small spring, Lympia, and nearby marsh were transformed into a harbour. It used to be more important economically but nowadays, there are believed to be fewer than 10 professional fishermen left and the economy is mostly based around the bars and cafés. It’s a beautiful place to stroll around and take in the view.

Discover the architecture of Nice’s Old Town

Ramble around the cobbled streets, through the pastel-coloured buildings, window shopping and drinking coffee like a true local. As the sun goes down, go to one of the bars or restaurants, sit at a table on the street, drink a little glass of local wine and share a toast. It doesn’t get much more romantic!

Discover the views at Nice’s Castle Hill

Climb the steps to the park at the top (or use the lift) and take in one of the most amazing views that Nice has to offer. It’s the highest place in Nice and a truly romantic spot. Take a picnic and sit in the park.

Discover the history of Nice’s Roman remains

The Roman remains date back to the first century when the town of Cemenelum sat on the hill above Nice and acted as an important strategic outpost. There are baths and an old amphitheatre to wander around and a museum too, some of which – as you’d expect for an archaeological site – is outdoors. The museum covers the prehistoric aspects of Nice too and is well worth a visit. What’s more, it’s next to Matisse’s museum and a 16th-century Franciscan Monastery and cemetery. Take a walk through thousands of years of history in one small neighbourhood (Cimiez) with someone you care about. The views from the Monastery gardens are worth the detour.

Discover the life on Nice’s Promenade des Anglais

It’s one of the best known streets in the south of France and it’s obviously always full of people, which might not seem romantic, but it’s the lifeblood of Nice and where every tourist’s journey starts and stops. There’s so much to enjoy here together; walk the entire seven miles from the airport to Castle Hill, sit on one of the famous blue chairs and read a book, or eat lunch on a private beach and swim. It’s the place to people-watch and talk together and you can be as exclusive or inclusive as you like.

Discover the “more hidden” beaches

This is Nice so don’t expect the beaches to be empty but if you veer away from the Promenade des Anglais, you can occasionally get lucky and find some room in summer. There are lots of beaches that are a bus ride or a walk away from town, where you can find a rock to climb (or swim) across to, spread out your towel and literally be in the middle of the sea alone. It’s well worth the effort. Try beaches to the east of Nice’s old port, like La Réserve and Coco Beach.

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