The Most Stunning Mountains And Hills In Scotland

View from Stac Pollaidh looking towards Loch Lurgainn, Sgorr Tuath and Beinn an Eoin, Coigach, Wester Ross, Highlands, Scotland
View from Stac Pollaidh looking towards Loch Lurgainn, Sgorr Tuath and Beinn an Eoin, Coigach, Wester Ross, Highlands, Scotland | © Gary Cook / Alamy Stock Photo
Tori Chalmers

Standing atop a mountain or hill, although vertigo-inducing, is medicine to the mind and soul. Looking at matters from a different perspective invites a flurry of emotions. Whether a hiker, walker, writer, musician, wanderer, romantic, or earth-bound misfit in love with the sky, words can barely describe the beauty that engulfs the picture perfect mountains of Scotland. May these mountains spark your daily epiphany.
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Buachaille Etive Mor

View down the Devil’s Staircase towards Buachaille Etive Mor, Glencoe, in the Scottish Highlands, Scotland, UK

Climbers call it The Buachaille. Others refer to it as Heaven. Buachaille Etive Mòr means ‘the great herdsman of Etive’ and is one of the most recognisable mountains in Scotland, with its pyramid form and postcard perfect aesthetics. The River Etive guards this mountain as it circles around it, while the four principal tops make the ridge.

Ben Nevis

Mist rises into clouds from the slipes of Ben Nevis mountain in Glen Nevis in the West Highlands of Scotland.

Ben Nevis is the highest of all mountains in the British Isles. Standing tall at the end of the Grampian Mountains in the Lochaber vicinity, this hill of magnitude attracts strings of eager outdoor folk each year, all chomping at the bit to step foot in such a breathtaking setting. At 2,300 ft, the north facing cliffs are some of the tallest in Scotland. Feel the butterflies as the enchanting gaze of Ben Nevis commandeers your thoughts.

Aonach Eagach

Glen Coe at Loch Achtriochtan

To the north of Glen Coe sits the rocky ridge of Aonach Eagach. This riveting ridge continues for 10km and is perfect for an arduous and rocky adventure. As dangerous as the slopes and terrain may be, the view is worth the risk.

Sgurr na Stri

View over Loch Scavaig towards the Island of Rum from the summit of Sgurr na Stri on the Isle of Skye, Scotland

Yet another jewel to come from the Isle of Skye, Squrr na Stri is hauntingly alluring and menacingly handsome. Many stay true to the thought that this marks the spot as the most enchanting viewpoint in the United Kingdom.

Stac Pollaidh

View from Stac Pollaidh looking towards Loch Lurgainn, Sgorr Tuath and Beinn an Eoin, Coigach, Wester Ross, Highlands, Scotland

Head for the Highlands and experience Stac Pollaidh. One for the climbing bucket list, ascend towards the sky and witness the plethora of pinnacles and the adrenaline sparking ridge.

Ben A’an

Panorama view of Loch Achray from the top of Ben A’an, ‎⁨The Great Trossachs Forest National Nature Reserve⁩, ⁨Callander⁩, ⁨Scotland⁩, ⁨United Kingdom⁩

Ben A’an, a mini mountain near Loch Katrine and Loch Achray in the Trossachs, is a sight for sore eyes. Scramble up this great lump of rock and experience the most magical Scottish sunset. Consider the incandescent rays of light divine intervention.


A view of Suilven mountain in Sutherland, Northwest Highlands of Scotland.

Some see a pillar, others a pyramid. Either way, Suilven steals the show as one of the most distinctive and truly stunning Scottish mountains. Situated in the west of Sutherland, Suilven stands like a tower casting its ambiguous shadow across the bogs, moorland, and lochans on Inverpolly National Nature Reserve.

Ben Venue

Another jewel to lurk in the Trossachs, the summit of Ben Venue is near Loch Katrine. This mountain is a most popular walking spot and sports two summits just a slither apart. Look out for the goblins, who have been frequenting this area for centuries, and marvel at the whispy scoops of ice cream like mist garnishing the sky and mountain.

Ben Lomond

The sun glistens off the snow-capped Ben Lomond at Loch Lomand in the Scottish Highlands

Near the eastern shore of lively Loch Lomond, Ben Lomond is the most southern munro. One snippet of this natural wonder is a lifetime’s worth of therapy. The Gaelic ‘Beinn Laomainn’ translates as ‘Beacon Mountain’. Consider this beauty a beacon of good times ahead.

The Storr

Old Man of Storr, Isle of Skye.

The unwavering majesty of The Storr could make a poet out of anyone. Then again, so could any hill on the Isle of Skye. From grassy slopes to rocky ridges and panoramic views, mountain-goers will want to move in with the fairies and forever reside in this enchanting place. The sight of the Old Man of Storr, Black Cuillins, and Red Cuillins are Kodak worthy to the core.

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It's the personal contact, the personal experiences. I love meeting people from all over the world... I really like getting to know everyone and feeling like I'm traveling with a group of friends.


I have so many places on my list, but I would really lobe to go to Africa. I consider myself an “adventure girl” and Africa feels like the ULTIMATE adventure!

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Culture Trip launched in 2011 with a simple yet passionate mission: to inspire people to go beyond their boundaries and experience what makes a place, its people and its culture special and meaningful — and this is still in our DNA today. We are proud that, for more than a decade, millions like you have trusted our award-winning recommendations by people who deeply understand what makes certain places and communities so special.

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Culture Trips are deeply immersive 5 to 16 days itineraries, that combine authentic local experiences, exciting activities and 4-5* accommodation to look forward to at the end of each day. Our Rail Trips are our most planet-friendly itineraries that invite you to take the scenic route, relax whilst getting under the skin of a destination. Our Private Trips are fully tailored itineraries, curated by our Travel Experts specifically for you, your friends or your family.

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