The Solo Traveler’s Guide to Lake Tahoe

For solo travelers, Tahoe is a natural playground that also boasts plenty of nightlife
For solo travelers, Tahoe is a natural playground that also boasts plenty of nightlife | © SuperStock / Alamy Stock Photo
Ocean Malandra

Winter or summer, Lake Tahoe is an outdoor lover’s paradise par excellence. The crystalline waters of one of the largest and cleanest freshwater lakes in the world attract boaters, bathers and beach bums during the warm season. During the cold months, the snow-capped mountains of the high Sierra Nevada that surround it are considered some of the best white powder runs on the continent. For solo visitors, Tahoe is a natural playground of epic proportions – just begging to be explored.

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What’s the vibe?

Solo travelers won’t be alone for long when visiting Lake Tahoe, as the area attracts more than three million visitors a year and can be packed to bursting in its prime seasons. After all, this is a hotspot for weekenders from the San Francisco Bay Area, just four hours away, as well as a solid favorite among international tourists. Result: Tahoe has a particularly cosmopolitan vibe, with plenty of granola and kombucha thrown into the mix.

Many activities are available in Lake Tahoe City both on land and water

An outdoor sports playground, Tahoe attracts people looking for a mountain high in various forms: you’ll be with adventurous types looking to enjoy the natural attractions of one of the most gorgeous places on earth. One thing’s certain: you’re going to make friends quickly.

Where to stay in Lake Tahoe as a solo traveler

A handful of towns circle the lake, each home to different attractions. South Lake Tahoe is the largest and most tourist-oriented. This is where solo travelers will find the widest range of accommodation, as well as the largest casinos, as South Lake Tahoe straddles the state line between California and Nevada.

Downtown South Lake Tahoe, a resort on the shore of Lake Tahoe on the California side

Tahoe City has a more hippy-leaning groove going on, with plenty of places to stay as well as healthy food and sporting opportunities. Incline Village is a bit more upscale, with massive hotel-casinos doing all-inclusive experiences and proximity to popular beaches such as Kings Beach and Crystal Bay. While not directly on the lake, the nearby town of Truckee (15 minutes from Incline Village) is a budget option, with its historic Gold Rush-style downtown. For more inspiration, read The Best Luxury Hotels to Book in Lake Tahoe, USA, The Best Cabins and Holiday Rentals to Book in Lake Tahoe and The Best Hotels to Book in Lake Tahoe, California.

What to do in Lake Tahoe

The area is one of the most famous ski destinations on the planet, with large resorts – among them Heavenly Valley and Sugar Bowl – attracting both families and solo skiers in droves. For snowboarders, options abound as well, with many considering Northstar the best terrain in the area. Lessons are available at all resorts.

Along with soaking up the sun against the dramatic alpine background, boating is the top summertime activity in Lake Tahoe, with waterskiing, wakeboarding, jet-skiing and paddle-boarding all immensely popular as well. Solo travelers can rent equipment in most larger lakefront towns. Hiking in the nearby Tahoe National Wilderness is also high on the list.

Fancy stopping the world and getting off? Join Culture Trip on its four-day meditation retreat Feed Your Mind, Body and Soul in Lake Tahoe.

Gambling draws visitors to Lake Tahoe year-round. Harvey’s is the largest of the casinos, with more than 1,000 slot machines, just a tad more than its competitor, Harrah’s. The newly refurbished Hard Rock Casino has gambling as well as some of the best entertainment in Tahoe. Just an hour away, the city of Reno is a miniature Las Vegas packed with large casinos and nonstop gaming.

The Hard Rock Hotel and Casino

What to eat and drink in Lake Tahoe

There’s a broad spectrum of culinary options in the Lake Tahoe area. Resorts tend to focus on fine dining – steakhouses and European classics with tables overlooking the water. But solo travelers on a budget will also rejoice at the sheer quantity and quality of comfort food, aimed at folk hungry after a day on the slopes or out on the water. Mexican food is also pretty easy to find in Lake Tahoe – after all, this is California.

Living it up after an active day is a popular activity in the Tahoe area – since it’s on the Nevada state line, there’s a 24-hour party scene. For solo travelers, there are breweries and traditional pubs in South Lake Tahoe, round-the-clock bars and lounges in most casinos and a nightlife district in Crystal Bay, where some of the most historic Tahoe casinos are to be found. Tahoe City has a nice local-feeling nightlife scene, with friendly bars clustered together in its center, several with small dance floors.

Stay safe, stay happy

Take care when immersed in the water – Tahoe is a particularly cold and deep lake, and swimmers can lose consciousness.

Take care when diving off the rocks into Lake Tahoe

Getting around Lake Tahoe as a solo traveler

The Lake Tahoe area is definitely car-oriented, with attractions and towns circling the lake in a way that makes cars almost absolutely necessary to explore and enjoy the area. That being said, there are some fun and interesting ways to explore Tahoe that allow you to leave your car behind for the day.

The Emerald Bay Trolley runs two sightseeing routes around the lake, each one stopping at many different attractions. There are also several Mississippi-style paddleboat cruises that operate out of Zephyr Cove by day and after dark. During the summer months, there are also some limited water taxis that run between points including Timber Cove and Camp Richardson.

Cultural need-to-knows

You can – and should – get to know the indigenous Washoe people, who have lived in the area for centuries. Meet at the Aerial Tram in the Village at Palisades Tahoe.

A Native American Washoe interpretive sign in Emerald Bay State Park

Fancy journeying with like-minded travelers? Join Culture Trip’s four-day meditation retreat Feed Your Mind, Body and Soul in Lake Tahoe as part of a small group, and enjoy yoga, star-gazing and lots of s’mores against a sparkling blue backdrop.

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