The Top Things To Do in Camden

Georgina Wilson-Powell

A huge player on the rock, punk and Britpop scenes, Camden is a historic neighbourhood known for being the stomping ground of many musicians, artists and writers. It’s not all about music and the arts, though: whether you’re looking for shopping, eating or a great night out, Camden has it all. Read on for the best things to do in the area.

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Explore every nook and cranny of Camden Market

Camden is London’s cradle of counterculture

Camden Market, sometimes referred to as Camden Town Market, has been one of the main draws for the North London neighbourhood for decades. Sprawled under arches and down cobbled alleyways, the market attracts those looking for alternative fashion, accessories, music and merchandise. Stables Market, located in a former horse stables, is the place to find vintage clothing and antiques. Camden’s market offering has over 1,000 shops, cafés and bars – good luck getting round them all.

Indulge in ice cream at Chin Chin Labs, Camden Lock

Image courtesy of Chin Chin Labs

Rev up your ice-cream experience with Chin Chin Labs. It’s situated on Camden Lock, and you’ll find ‘nitro ice cream’ here, with rotating flavours and ice cream sandwiches.

Make friends with lions at London Zoo, London

Camden isn’t all markets and music venues; it’s also home to London Zoo, one of the world’s oldest zoos and a huge tourist attraction in London. As well as nearly 700 species of animals, the zoo offers the unique opportunity to stay overnight in one of its ‘lion lodges’.

Discover Cyberdog, a neon jungle

A mainstay of the alternative fashion scene, Cyberdog has kitted out ravers for decades. It’s a neon-lit palace of futuristic fashion with plenty of plastic and PVC. Far from your average Sunday afternoon shopping experience, Cyberdog pumps out loud electronic music and even hires go-go dancers.

Follow the footsteps of music’s icons at Jazz Café

The Jazz Café is the home of soul, jazz and disco in London

London’s home of soul, jazz and disco, the Jazz Café is one of Camden’s most iconic venues. It has previously welcomed the likes of Amy Winehouse and Bobby Womack, and continues to host local and international stars in an intimate setting. With live music seven nights a week, there’s never a bad time to go; if you’re looking to dance the night away, a soul-themed club night takes over at the weekends. There’s also a mezzanine restaurant and a superb cocktail menu.

Take a boat trip along Regent’s Canal

Regent’s Canal in Camden, London

All year round, you can pick up a water bus at Camden Lock and take it along Regent’s Canal to Little Venice. You’ll cruise past celebrity homes, across Regent’s Park and right through the middle of London Zoo.

Go to a gig at one of Camden’s legendary music venues

You simply can’t go to Camden without enjoying the live music the borough is famous for. For big-name headline acts, head to Koko or the Roundhouse, or check out up-and-coming bands in one of Camden’s many pubs. We recommend the Dublin Castle and the Lock Tavern.

Have a pint in a Camden pub

Camden Underworld is a music venue in the basement of The World’s End pub

When you’re ready for a cold pint after a day of trawling the markets, Camden has plenty of boozers to choose from. There are rock ‘n’ roll pubs, craft-beer bars and plenty of spacious beer gardens. For the best of the bunch, read our roundup of Camden’s best bars and pubs.

Looking for somewhere to stay in Camden? Book one of the best hotels near the landmark Roundhouse venue through Culture Trip and enjoy the best of what the borough has to offer.

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