The Top Places for a Unique Night Out in Glasgow

Glasgow, UK
Glasgow, UK | Photo by Craig McKay on Unsplash
Tori Chalmers

Going to the dancin’ makes for a decent time, but doing something a wee bit different results in an absolute belter of an occasion. Go against the stagnant status quo and try something new with our guide to the best alternative nights out in Glasgow. Gaun yersel!

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Hillhead Bookclub

The kind of club you would kill to be a member of, Hillhead Bookclub is where the real party is at. Bursting with unwavering charm and hipper than hip furnishings, this wonderland hosts cool events on the reg. If gripping ping-pong sessions get you going, they have them in abundance. The Lady Balls Bingo is always a hoot and a half, the Granny Would Be Proud vintage fairs are a welcomed blast from the past, the retro computer games are insanely addictive, and the sewing club is too cool for school. To top it off, the food and cocktails are that extra garnishing that seal the deal. Never a dull moment.

Casino At The Corinthian

Roulette and stacks of chips

Who needs Las Vegas when you have Glasvegas? Whether an Elvis inspired white jumpsuit or suave Bond tux, don the mandatory gambling gear and go to town. Situated in Merchant City, the Casino at The Corinthian is exceedingly classy and sinfully decadent. From the jazz era Harlem feel and pukka furnishings to vintage tunes and world-class drinks, the odds are forever appealing. Set up fort at the classic slots like Cleopatra or jackpot slots like Lord of the Ocean. Casino kingpins can try their hand at Black Jack, Three Card Poker, American Roulette and private poker.


Stravaigin, Glasgow

Not just any old eatery, Stravaigin is a culinary platform where worldly dishes reign free and the best Scottish produce is used in ways like never before. A foodie excursion worth embarking upon, every bite provides a taste of the many wonderful cuisines from around the world. Renowned for their experimental nature, the artisans at Stravaigin tackle more unusual bites head on, such as grey squirrel, hedgerow herbs and sea urchins. What’s more, the pre-theatre menu offers a sumptuous foodie session without a hefty price tag. For an off-the-chart, fun kind of time, keep your eyes peeled for the myriad of monthly Stravaigin events, many of which feature themed nights trying dishes from other countries — foodies will be salivating with every mouthful.

Super Bario

Goodbye mundane, average nights out where the same thing happens all the time, and hello Super Bario! A place where gamers of the world can unite, this arcade bar is almost better than that feeling when you beat your arch nemesis at Mortal Kombat II. Expect all the classics and saunter on down memory lane by gie’in it laldy at Pac-Man, Super Mario Bros., Tekken 3, Sega Rally and Ridge Racer, to name but a few. Street Fighter 2 folk, no need to feel left out — get back into that Ryu mentality and show them who’s boss. Get ready to lap up the stunning selection of beers, gourmet coffee and American Sodas like the plumber brothers collect coins. ‘Let’s a go’!


Step on over to the fun side and let Swing give you the best night yet. A subterranean bar and club completely akin to the roaring 20s and 30s, the drinks appear in abundance and the music is never a bore. This is where to get your weekly fill of funk, jazz, blues and soul, with a little live entertainment on the side, in the form of acrobats and other mesmerising showstoppers. The cocktails will transport you to a happy place.

Escape Room

‘Shove a bunch of people in a room and see if they can get out’! Although a tad daunting to many, this new ‘Escape Room’ trend seems to be cross-culturally contagious. So much more than just being stuck in a box, it takes a considerable degree of teamwork, finesse and brainpower to solve the code and leave victorious. Those accustomed to figuring out clues, beating puzzles or with a Sherlock-style discerning eye will be in their element. Grab a bunch of pals and see where the night leads — you have 60 minutes!

Lane Vinyl Bar

Vinyl Player

Who says vinyl is for hipsters only? A bar with an ingenious twist, The Lane is a smashing hub where music is the star of the show. Take your pick from the fab selection of records and serenade the vicinity with those sweet beats. Hey, even bring your own and play them — seriously, they don’t mind! The top-notch music policy aside, don’t leave without testing every item on the menu and lapping up those glorious drinks — they won’t disappoint. Finish the night off a stone’s throw away next door and critically analyse a film at the trendy Grosvenor Cinema. Bliss.


As soon as Friday night comes, dance a merry jig of joy and canter on over to Sloans, a Glasgow icon. The food is sensational and the drinks hit the spot. And yet, it’s the Friday night ceilidh that never fails to put a spring in your step. Each week, the second floor Grand Ballroom transforms into an epic shindig with all the Scottish country dancing faves from Gay Gordons and Strip the Willow to the Eightsome Reel. More of a mellow type and less of a dancer? Not to worry, join in on the Tuesday night shenanigans featuring food and a film. With three floors of non-stop banter and charm, there’s no telling where the night will go.

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