These Far-Flung Destinations Are Opening Up to American Travelers

The Caribbean country of Antigua and Barbuda is one of the destinations now welcoming visitors from the US
The Caribbean country of Antigua and Barbuda is one of the destinations now welcoming visitors from the US | © Mr. Söbau / Unsplash
Josephine Platt

Commissioning Editor

Travel restrictions due to Covid-19 have kept Americans close to home this summer. Now, however, some exotic destinations – including Costa Rica, the Maldives, and Antigua and Barbuda – are allowing tourists from the US to visit. Culture Trip rounds up the latest facts.

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Following the US government’s lifting of the blanket “avoid all travel” advisory in early August, Americans have been granted the right to travel internationally. The question is: which countries will allow them in?

In contrast to most of Europe, which has closed its borders to Americans for the summer, many far-flung destinations are now welcoming US tourists. These places include Costa Rica, Antigua and Barbuda, and the Maldives. However, some invitations come with caveats.

Costa Rica

Costa Rica, which is opening up on September 1, is doing so for travelers who can prove their residency in one of just six states: Connecticut, Maine, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York and Vermont.

“In these six states there has been a very positive evolution of the pandemic, and their epidemiological indicators are of high quality,” Gustavo Segura, Costa Rica’s minister of tourism, explained in a statement.

American travellers from said states should, however, expect to self-quarantine for 14 days – and anyone showing symptoms related to Covid-19 will be tested at the airport.

Antigua and Barbuda

The rules are slightly more relaxed in Antigua and Barbuda, a country in the Caribbean that is welcoming all Americans. On arrival, visitors must show a negative Covid-19 medical report no older than a week, expect to be screened on the spot, and expect to be monitored for 14 days. Depending on accommodation arrangements and the outcome of the screening, the government will hold the right to issue a seven- to 14-day quarantine.

The Maldives

Meanwhile, the Maldives, a country made up of 26 atolls, is now open for all global tourists. There is no need for anyone to quarantine on arrival.

This will soon also be the case for the state of Hawaii, which is set to scrap its quarantine for international arrivals starting on October 1.

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