Top 10 Travel Hacks, from Packing to Saving

Merida is the the bustling, sun-soaked capital of Mexicos Yucatan state
Merida is the the bustling, sun-soaked capital of Mexico's Yucatan state
Ellie Hurley


Want to travel like a pro? These savvy hacks will save you money, help you travel smarter and, ultimately, ensure you have a great trip. Read on and bag that brilliant hotel, maximise suitcase space and get the best discounts on your flight.

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Turn on private browsing to book flights

Airlines monitor your browsing history and, if you visit frequently within a short period, the site is sure to take note, particularly if you are searching for the same route over and over. This can easily lead to artificial inflation of prices and so, to keep fares low, clear your cookies before booking and visit the website in private browser mode.

Open an app-based bank account

Apps like Monzo make great travel wallets

Traditional banks are liable to charge you for using debit or credit cards abroad. This quickly adds up. New app-based banks – for example Monzo, Revolut and Starling – are much better for travellers, as they don’t charge for international transactions. You can also top it up with small amounts at a time from your main current account – less stress if your card goes missing.

Invest in packing cubes

Packing cubes are an invaluable travel companion

Living out of a suitcase, you’ll find contents quickly become disorganised. Packing cubes – small, lightweight bags, often made of mesh or nylon – keep packed clothes tidy. And once zipped-up, they compress contents to make more space for toiletries, footwear and souvenirs. Most are sold in a set of three or five pieces.

Rent an apartment

Renting an apartment brings multiple advantages for the traveller

What’s not to love? You’ll have a real home and instant access to neighbourhood bars, restaurants and corner stores. And without cleaning and concierge services, you’ll pay less than hotel rates – this applies to meals, too, as you’ll have a kitchen. Maybe scope out a market near your crash pad, then shop for cheap fresh, local produce to cook back at the ranch. Head over to our Places to Stay hub and check out self-catering options in your chosen destination by selecting ‘Vacation Rentals’.

Take a picture of your passport

With the best will in the world, things can go pear-shaped, so take a picture of your passport to store on your phone – it will make it easier to replace should it go missing and is invaluable as a form of ID during your trip, so you can chuck the real thing to the back of your hotel safe.

Buy a worldwide travel adaptor

Never fork out on separate travel adaptors – pick up an all-in-one in a duty-free shop at the airport. These can be adjusted for sockets internationally, from the flat double-pronged Japanese variety to the rounded triple-pronged Brazilian model. Many also feature USB ports to charge multiple electronics simultaneously – phone, tablet, noise-cancelling headphones – making them a lifesaver when you only have one plug socket allocated to your hostel dorm bed, for instance.

Invest in a sightseeing pass

New York is home to some of the planet’s most recognisable sights

Planning a lot of city exploring? Price-wise, sightseeing passes invariably win over individual tickets to museums and galleries, however brief their validity. Some even cover public transport connections, so you can hop between sights quickly. To maximise value, don’t activate your card until you’ve sketched a sightseeing plan – that way you can keep the itinerary tight and focused, observe opening hours and avoid busiest visiting times, when queues may slow you down.

Keep a reusable water bottle

Staying hydrated is something even the most experienced travellers can forget to do

Hydration is essential – long flights in particular can be extremely dehydrating. You can’t bring liquids through airport security, but you can carry an empty water bottle, to fill up at a fountain or café near your flight gate. This will help cut down on plastic, starting with the flight out – ask the cabin crew to tip H2O straight into your trusty receptacle. It’s cheap and super-eco-friendly.

Seek tips from the locals

Locals know best when it comes to uncovering the heart of a destination

The hottest restaurants, the coolest shopping neighbourhoods – nobody knows your destination better than the people who live there. As you travel, it’s easy to search on social media using relevant hashtags (for example, #londonrestaurants) and find the most up-to-the-minute bloggers, journalists and influencers in the city or country you’re visiting. Chat to locals in forums on TripAdvisor, too. Or you can book a holiday with TRIPS by Culture Trip and enjoy an expert-led, small group adventure. Led by in-the-know Local Insiders, they’re available in destinations around the world.

Deal with jet lag

An eye mask is your secret weapon in the fight against jet lag

It’s the eternal bugbear – staying awake during a busy day after landing can be as tricky as lying in bed, eyes wide open because your body clock is still in the place you departed from. The main thing is to make sure all your time devices are set to the local hour of your arrival destination. Smartphones and laptops should adjust automatically but obviously, you’ll need to re-set classic watches and clocks. Light can really help – consider a walk in the sunshine after the flight, or try using a special lamp (the kind used by SAD sufferers). And remember – eye masks and milky drinks are great if you’re struggling to sleep at night.

Top Tip

For some travel experiences, a guided tour is the only way

It’s great to be prepared, but you can always take the backseat and let us do the planning for you. TRIPS by Culture Trip are specially curated small-group adventures designed for culturally curious travellers, and led by Local Insiders to ensure you scratch well beneath the surface of your chosen destination. Browse our itineraries here.

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It's the personal contact, the personal experiences. I love meeting people from all over the world... I really like getting to know everyone and feeling like I'm traveling with a group of friends.


I have so many places on my list, but I would really lobe to go to Africa. I consider myself an “adventure girl” and Africa feels like the ULTIMATE adventure!

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We know that many of you worry about the environmental impact of travel and are looking for ways of expanding horizons in ways that do minimal harm - and may even bring benefits. We are committed to go as far as possible in curating our trips with care for the planet. That is why all of our trips are flightless in destination, fully carbon offset - and we have ambitious plans to be net zero in the very near future.


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