Marvellous Marylebone: The Top Things To See And Do

Marylebone High Street, London.
Marylebone High Street, London. | © Keith Erskine / Alamy Stock Photo
Lisa Gries

Nestled between the hustle and bustle of Oxford Street and the hydrangeas and buttercups of Regent’s Park, London’s Marylebone neighbourhood is home to many a hidden gem from the many stylish boutiques along the High Street to Detective Sherlock Holmes’ home address. Be it French paintings or farmer’s markets, rooftop yoga or a stroll through Regent’s Park, we round up the top 8 things to see and do in Marylebone for every mood or matter.

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Sherlock Holmes Museum Exterior

For True Detectives: The Sherlock Holmes Museum

Home to the iconic fictional detective Sherlock Holmes and his sidekick Doctor Watson, stepping into this building at 221B Baker Street is like stepping into one of Sir Arthur Conan Doyles’s very own mind twisting works. The museum is dedicated to the dynamic detective duo and is a charmingly accurate replica of the books, taking visitors back in time to Victorian London from both the homely set up of the characters’ apartment to the fittingly costumed staff. There’s a lot to explore amongst the photographs and props and waxworks, and endearing photo opportunities as you lounge in Mr Holmes’ armchair, have a look at his pipes, or observe his adorably flowery toilet. Admission charge: £6 for Adults, £4 for Children

For a Morning Concert: Wigmore Hall

London’s Wigmore concert hall is one of the best in the world for chamber music and song, and often home to many of the world’s greatest artists, boasting around 400 events every year. Concerts tend to be classical, for which the acoustics here are magically close to perfect. Not just a dream for the ears but also for the eyes, the hall is decorated with a contemporary mural on the main cupola, portraying the Soul of Music. We highly recommend visiting one of the Sunday Morning Coffee concerts, where an hour of music is met with a hot cup of coffee or a glass of sherry for the perfect end to your week.

For an Art Collection with French Flair: The Wallace Collection

Set in a beautiful Georgian London town house, The Wallace Collection boasts an alluring ensemble of French paintings, furniture, porcelain, and very notably arms and body armour of the 15th to 19th centuries. Whether you enjoy art, or history, or all things fine and decorative, there is always something to admire here, from Rembrandt to the Renaissance wonders. End your afternoon with tea in The Wallace Courtyard, or imagine yourself under the stars of Paris as you enjoy a fine French dinner provided by Peyton & Byrne’s French-style brasserie.

Free Admission including temporary exhibitions

For Cheeses and Charcuterie: Marylebone Farmer’s Market

Running since 2003, Marylebone’s Farmer’s Market holds around 40 stalls of delicious fresh produce, from ready to cook to ready to nibble, right in the heart of the neighbourhood. The market is open on Sundays from 10am to 2pm and attracts many people from around the world, taking Instagrams of Madame Macaroon’s colourful meringues, or sampling Phil’s homemade Pesto and hand rolled gnocchi. We love Simon Long’s fresh oysters, the artisan pates of L’Authentique and JammyVal’s rosehip syrup. Ah, when in Marylebone.

For a Charming Stroll: Regent’s Park & ZSL London Zoo

Promenade amongst the fountains and roses, pick up a soft serve ice cream from one of the stands, or hire a boat and row with your beloved into the middle of the boating lake in one of London’s most romantic parks. Regent’s Park exudes calm and serenity amongst a scent of sweet smelling flowers, and to its north, is home to over 760 species that live in the adjacent ZSL London Zoo, from delicate butterflies to pygmy hippos. Whether you stroll within the lemur enclosure or outside amongst the Park lavender fields, we can ensure this area is certainly worth a visit, be you picnic-lover or penguin-explorer.

For chattering teeth: The British Dental Association Museum

We knew that when we created this list, we had to include something for the daring and adventurous. For you, we present the British Dental Association Museum. This museum tells the story of how dentistry has evolved over time, with no lack of picturesque detail, from actual equipment and furniture to photographs and even fine works of art. Of course, you will encounter the occasional denture, set of fake teeth and nineteenth century dental floss, but whether you’re a student of dentistry, curious for canines, or simply on the lookout for a more unique museum exhibition, we can assure you the British Dental Association Museum will definitely make you smile

.Yoga on the Roof at Selfridges | © Triyoga

For Shopping & Dropping (Into Downward Facing Dog): Rooftop Triyoga at Selfridges

Nibble on some snacks before the movie in the lounge | © Everyman Cinema

It is no secret that Selfridges is a shopping haven for the latest and exclusives in fashion, homeware and technologies. You could spend a day inside Selfridges (wallet permitting), from spa treatments, to personal shopping, to the magnificent Food Hall on the ground floor. Over the summer months, comes to Selfridges morning Triyoga classes inside the seaside-inspired Vintage Salt restaurant on the roof. Don your nicest sunglasses and head up there for a truly energising way to start your day with one of the best views in the city. Did we mention classes include complementary cold pressed juice from The Juicery?

For an Independent Movie with a side of Wine & Hummus: Everyman Cinema

Taking a trip to the movies to the next lavish level, Everyman Cinema on Baker Street provides both a comfortable experience and a cosy atmosphere, unmatched by many in the city, and definitely has both cool and cute points, from the scrumptious candy bar beneath the artsy paintings, to the warm blankets, to the friendly waiter service. What’s more, we love the special events held here, from Q&A sessions with industry experts to live feeds from London theatres. Possibly one of Marylebone’s best-kept secrets, we certainly think you’ll find your next favourite film here.
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