Best Quirky Experiences in London

Take in London’s most famous landmarks on an alternative tour
Take in London’s most famous landmarks on an alternative tour | © RooM the Agency / Alamy Stock Photo

Gender & Identity Editor

London has a fascinating history and is bursting with culture, but if you’re looking for something different to keep you entertained and educated, a tour with a twist is the order of the day. Whether it’s ghosts or the Beatles that spark your interest, these seven unique things to do offer something for everyone.

Loved by over 40s

The Jazz Café

While The Jazz Café is the place in London to see world-famous icons on one of the most intimate, grassroots stages the UK has to offer, it’s also proud to be at the forefront of breaking emerging talent. The dinner experience where you can enjoy some fine dining while listening to a variety of genres is one of the best ways to spend an evening in London.

For the full 2023 calendar, tickets and restaurant bookings, please visit: Jazz Cafe’s What’s on section

Japanese Tea Ceremony at The Prince Akatoki

Japan takes its tea very seriously, something you’ll discover for yourself at this informative and tasty offering from one of the best hotels in London. Step into the Malt Lounge at Marylebone hotel The Prince Akatoki, where esteemed Japanese Tea Master, Keiko Uchida, hailing from Tokyo, welcomes you to a 90 minute journey to savour the flavours of matcha tea. During the ceremony, Keiko will graciously enlighten guests about the history of green tea, and the philosophy and cultural background behind the Japanese Tea Ceremony, which can involve gardening, textiles, architecture, calligraphy and food, as well as tea. Keiko will demonstrate how to prepare and serve a cup of matcha tea, guiding guests on the traditional way of serving and drinking in public, with traditional guests and manners. The monthly sessions run from now until the end of the year and can be booked here.

London Bus Tour with Afternoon Tea and Gin

Embark on a tour of London’s best sites on a classic Routemaster double-decker bus. Feast on a delectable afternoon tea prepared by Brigit’s Bakery, and sip on refreshing cocktails crafted with Slingsby Gin. See iconic London landmarks in a unique way and enjoy scrummy homemade cakes and sandwiches along the way.

Ghost Bus Tour

Dare you board the Necrobus to discover the terrible tales of London? Take a seat while the creepy conductor and his cohorts take you on the scariest tour in town, visiting some of the most famous landmarks, haunted palaces and unmarked burial grounds that reveal the sinister secrets of the capital. The journey takes 75 minutes, including visits to London Bridge, Westminster Abbey, The Tower of London and Fleet Street. Even the transport has a story – the last remaining Necropolis bus was part of a private funeral bus fleet, which was all but destroyed in a mysterious fire in 1967.

The Beatles London Walking Tour

One for all fans of the Fab Four, this experience takes you to landmarks from the career of the legendary Beatles. You’ll discover how London helped pave the way for George, Ringo, Paul and John as you take a journey through their musical history. Take in film locations from A Hard Day’s Night and Help! as well as homes, hangouts and studios where they recorded some of their most famous songs. No tour would be complete without a visit to Abbey Road Studios and the famous road crossing – your guide will tell you everything you need to know about Beatlemania.

Break the Barrier Speed Boat Ride

If you want to take in London’s landmarks while learning a little history and screaming your head off at the same time, this is the tour for you. Board your speed boat at St Katharine’s Pier near Tower Bridge, and prepare to zoom along the Thames as a specially curated audio experience brings you up to date on 2,000 years of British highlights while you make your way past Greenwich and the Thames Barrier. This adventure will make you see London in a completely new light.

The London Cheese Crawl

Cheese is for life, it’s not just for Christmas. And what better way to enjoy London than spending two hours tucking into all different types of cheese with fellow cheese enthusiasts as you take in the sights on this walking tour. Kick things off in an iconic Mayfair cheesemonger, via Fortnum & Mason to other cheese landmarks you never knew existed. The tour concludes with an interactive cheese trivia quiz, so pay attention at the back.

The Ripper Enigma

London’s East End is synonymous with the horrific crimes of Jack the Ripper, despite the murders having taken place over 130 years ago. When Mary Ann Nichols’ body was discovered on the morning of 31 August 1888, it was the beginning of a series of brutal murders that have baffled police to this day. This tour visits various sites through surviving buildings, exploring the mystery that still surrounds the events. Hear tales of the time and grasp the significance of the case.

Power and Politics in Westminster: From Empire to Brexit

Plague, fire, war – London has survived them all, as you’ll discover on this walking tour, which will teach you everything you need to know about the city’s past. Take in Whitehall, 10 Downing Street, the Houses of Parliament and Big Ben as you discover landmarks and learn facts about those previously in power and how London was rebuilt. You’ll also pay a visit to Buckingham Palace and Westminster Abbey via the scenic St James Park and Trafalgar Square.

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