Uncover a New Side to Barcelona

Barcelona is steeped in culture and history
Barcelona is steeped in culture and history | © Piotr Pisarz / Alamy Stock Photo
Culture Trip Travel Team

Home to some of the world’s most iconic 20th-century artworks and architectural landmarks, Barcelona is an art lover’s dream. With so many fantastic sights on offer, Catalonia’s capital welcomes millions of visitors each and every year, all eager to explore this seaside city. That doesn’t mean, however, you have to follow the herd. These handpicked tours and experiences will take you away from the bustling crowds and allow you to experience Barcelona in a whole new light.

Loved by over 40s

Facing the Mediterranean Sea, and sitting on the coast of the Iberian Peninsula, Barcelona is a buzzing, dynamic city, steeped in history. To delve under the skin of the Catalan capital and away from the crowds, why not experience it from a completely new perspective? Master how to prepare tapas in Barcelona’s Born neighbourhood or soak up the culture while running through the city’s lively streets. These specially selected tours will allow you to discover a completely new side to Barcelona.

Poble Espanyol Entrance Ticket in Barcelona With Optional Audio Guide


Set on Montjuïc Mountain and with excellent transport links to the centre of Barcelona, Poble Espanyol is the only place in the city that allows you to discover the soul of Spain. Take a pleasant, peaceful stroll through its streets and squares, admire its buildings and contemporary art collection, watch the craftsmen as they give shape to their works and don’t miss the brand-new multimedia installations to get to know the Spanish culture and traditions. Explore the entire soul of a country.

Gourmet Tapas Small Group Walking Tour and Flamenco Show


Visit a Modernist-style tapas bar in the heart of Barcelona’s Eixample neighbourhood, and then finish the night in an emblematic flamenco bar in the heart of the Gothic Quarter in famous Plaça Reial. This exciting three-hour evening experience includes a stroll around Eixample to sample authentic Catalan tapas such as pa amb tomàquet, and a visit to a ham delicatessen in Born. Finish your evening with a 45-minute authentic flamenco show featuring some of the genre’s newest rising stars. Sip sangria and dine on gourmet tapas as dancers perform their fiery Spanish flamenco moves to traditional Spanish music! Numbers are limited to 20 on this small group tour, ensuring you’ll enjoy personalised attention from your guide.

Barcelona Private Food Tour: 10 Tastings


Ready to taste the unique flavors of Barcelona? Get the most amazing food treats in the city and discover the local lifestyle during this three-hour private food tour. Ten delicious tastings included!


This is the best way to discover the most iconic buildings and secret corners of Barcelona. On this 10km run, we’ll see the Sagrada Familia and other Gaudí buildings, the best beaches of the city and the Gothic Quarter, where I live. I have a lot of curiosities and cultural explanations about each place that we’ll visit. And I’m quite flexible about where we can start and the best departing hour. Don’t hesitate to suggest the best option for you. I can modify the agenda suggested.

Morning Access to Montserrat Monastery From Barcelona


Discover the jewel in Catalonia’s crown before the crowds arrive on this morning access to Monserrat. On this tour, you will visit the Santa Maria of Montserrat Abbey with your guide. Admire the abbey’s impressive Gothic and Renaissance architecture, and gain insight into the role it plays in Catalonia’s rich culture.


Discover Barcelona’s enchanting Gothic Quarter in a two-in-one food and history tour that combines delicious tastes at three tapas bars with an exploration of many of the city’s most emblematic squares and sites. Kick off your evening at a local, family-run bodega for a light aperitif before heading to a walking tour of the oldest and most historic area of Barcelona. Finish your evening at two distinct tapas bars – a rustic tavern and a modern tapas bar – and feast on local delicacies like fresh-from-the-sea fish lightly fried in olive oil while devouring Catalan wine. All food and drinks included.

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2 years.


It's the personal contact, the personal experiences. I love meeting people from all over the world... I really like getting to know everyone and feeling like I'm traveling with a group of friends.


I have so many places on my list, but I would really lobe to go to Africa. I consider myself an “adventure girl” and Africa feels like the ULTIMATE adventure!

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Every CULTURE TRIP Small-group adventure is led by a Local Insider just like Hanna.

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