Amazing Day Trips to Take From Ibiza by Boat

Historic Ibiza Town has one of the islands prettiest harbours
Historic Ibiza Town has one of the island's prettiest harbours | © Stephen Hughes / Alamy Stock Photo
Mark Nayler

Ibiza is famed for its DJ-fuelled summer party scene, but there’s much more to this Unesco-protected paradise than insomniac clubs. Travelling by boat will enable you to explore everything the third largest Balearic Island has to offer, from rocky coves and natural parks to old pirate watchtowers and sea-flooded quarries. Here’s our pick of the best day trips to take from Ibiza Town by boat.

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Soak up surf, sand and sun as you explore Ibiza.

Ses Salines

Taking its name from the surrounding salt marshes, Ses Salines offers bathing in wave-free water, the high salt content of which encourages aimless floating. Key attractions in the natural park of the same name include a whitewashed 18th-century chapel that now houses the Visitor Centre, the 16th-century pirate watchtower Torre de Ses Portes and numerous platforms for spotting over 200 species of bird, including flamingos.

Cala D’Hort

Part pebbly, part sandy, this intimate cove on Ibiza’s western coast has views of La Vedra, an uninhabited, 400m-tall (1,300ft) island, whose only resident – according to legend – is a giant. Drop anchor in the turquoise waters for a spot of snorkelling, to shop in the beachwear boutique or for lunch at Es Boldado, a clifftop seafood and paella specialist with La Vedra views. Both the cove and restaurant come into their own at sunset.

Sa Pedrera

Also known as Atlantis, this ancient sandstone quarry along the coast from Cala D’Hort, was plundered to build the walls of Ibiza Old Town in the 16th century. Excavations have resulted in unusual rock formations and deep troughs that regularly flood with seawater, making for one of the most unusual bathing spots on the island. It’s also the perfect location for snorkelling and cliff jumping – but beware of the resident jellyfish.


Experienced divers on a day trip to Formentera can descend to explore the Mediterranean’s largest shipwreck – the Don Pedro – a 145m-long (480ft) cargo vessel that sank in 2007. Other attractions on the Balearics’ smallest inhabited island include the fishing village and resort of Es Pujols, historic lighthouses and watchtowers, and the craft markets of La Mola and Sant Ferran, the latter of which specializes in paintings of the island by local artists.

Cala Benirrás

Step ashore for chilled beach beats and a bohemian vibe at Cala Benirrás, a cove on Ibiza’s northeastern coast that is home to a sunset drumming band and an afternoon artisan market every Sunday. There are also several hiking trails in the surrounding pine forests, a couple of seafood restaurants with views of the rock formation known as the Finger of God, and several wooden shacks built into the cliffs and still used by local fishermen to clean their morning catches.

San Antonio

North Ibiza’s San Antonio is a top choice if you’re looking for an all-day party. Head to Ibiza Rocks Hotel for boisterous events around the pool, with regular performances from international stars including Craig David and the Kaiser Chiefs. The more chilled Café del Mar is sought out for its Med-facing terraces and sunset views. A short punt north of the marina, Cala Salada and Cala Saladeta provide a quieter alternative to the town’s main beaches.

Punta Galera

Prefer privacy and deep-water swimming to busy beaches? This is your place – a section of Ibiza’s northwestern coast lined with shelf-like rocks from which you can lower yourself into dark blue waters for some excellent snorkelling. Lone vendors sometimes do the rounds selling cold drinks, snacks and ice creams, but it’s best to pack a picnic just in case. There’s also a tiny shingle beach around the corner, providing slightly easier access to the water.

Santa Eulalia del Río

Ibiza’s third-largest resort is home to one of the island’s most beautiful churches, the snow-white, 16th-century Puig de Missa. Set on a hill above the town, a fifteen-minute walk from the marina, from here you can take in views of the port, river and surrounding coastline. Once back down, relax in the marina-facing Café Sidney over cocktails and tapas or, if you’re tempted to extend your stay, walk forty minutes to the famous Nikki Beach.

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