Amazing Day Trips to Take From Mallorca by Boat

Cala de Sa Colabra near Torrent de Pareis is a gem among Mallorcas beaches
Cala de Sa Colabra near Torrent de Pareis is a gem among Mallorca's beaches | © Licht Wolke / Alamy
Mark Nayler

Mallorca, the biggest Balearic Island, is a skipper’s paradise, offering miles of mountainous coastline scattered with otherwise-inaccessible coves, beaches that rival the Caribbean and quaint fishing villages aplenty. Here’s our run-down of the best day trips to do around the island, from dipping into bar-packed resorts to parking up at a rocky, uninhabited islet teeming with rare species. We’ve also included some inland sightseeing recommendations, all within a short walk or taxi ride from the main harbour.

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Explore the Mallorca and the surrounding area by boat.

Cabo de Formentor

A boat provides the ideal vantage point from which to admire Mallorca’s northernmost tip, a rugged coastal region comprising vertical cliffs and secluded coves. On your way to the Formentor Lighthouse at the very end of the peninsula, stop off at Cala Figueras to meet a colony of wild goats and swim in azure waters; alternatively, if you’re sailing around the southern side, drop anchor at Playa Formentor, a curve of pristine sand fringed by pine forests.

Playa del Mago

Named after the 1968 Michael Caine film The Magus, parts of which were filmed here, Playa del Mago is a small nudist cove with outstandingly clear waters. It’s situated just south of the major resort of Magaluf on the island’s southeast coast and flanked by two non-naturist beaches. There’s also a chiringuito (beach bar) serving drinks and snacks and a complex of photogenic natural caves to explore.

Sierra de Tramuntana

A cruise along Mallorca’s northwest coast offers privileged perspectives on the Unesco-protected Sierra Tramuntana mountain range. Most of the area’s shingle bays and coves are only accessible via old donkey tracks or from the sea, meaning it’s a great place to escape the crowds, even during peak season. Stop for lunch and a swim at Cala Tuent, where you can sample Restaurante’s Es Verget’s celebrated arroz negro (a type of seafood paella rustled up with prawns, black squid ink and rice) on a mountain-view terrace before taking to the transparent waters.

Puerto de Alcudia

Life in this bustling resort town revolves around its paradisiacal beaches. Starting nearest to the yacht-packed marina, the 4km (2mi) Playa de Alcudia extends south before giving way to the 6km (4mi) Playa de Muro, the island’s longest stretch of sand. After an action-packed day of windsurfing, stand-up paddleboarding or kayaking, treat yourself to dinner at Michelin-starred Mediterranean eatery Maca de Castro. Don’t leave without checking out Alcudia’s walled medieval town.

Puerto de Pollensa

Wind up or start your tour of the Sierra Tramuntana in Puerto de Pollensa, a lively seaside town that inspired Agatha Christie’s 1939 short story Problem at Pollensa Bay. Swap out sailing for a spot of stand-up paddleboarding, or head north for tranquil bathing on Playa D’Albercuix, which backs onto a pine-shaded promenade. Also check out the soaring Mirador Es Colomer viewpoint for views of Puerto de Pollensa, Alcudia and to Menorca beyond.

Puerto de Soller

Puerto de Soller is the main harbour on Mallorca’s northwest coast and is attached to the inland town via a tram service dating from 1912. Trundle past orange groves into the centre, where you’ll find a Picasso and Miro museum in the old train station and a striking gothic-baroque church on the main square. If you have a little more time, hike the 10km (6mi) coastal path from Soller to the attractive village of Deia.

Torrent de Pareis/Sa Calobra

The small patch of sand in the harbour at Sa Calobra makes for a cute setting – but that’s not what you’re here for. From the port, follow the well-maintained tunnels and cliffside walkways through the rocks (a popular attraction in themselves) to emerge at the Torrent de Pareis, a hidden, pebbly beach wedged between the walls of a gorge. The streams dry up during summer, enabling you to venture further into the canyon before heading back to the boat.

Playa Es Trenc

Mallorca’s most iconic beach is also its most unspoiled, thanks to a protected status that has prevented over-development. Backing onto undulating dunes, it offers 2km (1mi) of fine sand lapped by azure waters, with several demarcated zones for nudism. It’s best to take your own supplies, as there are no kiosks on the beach itself. While in the area, walk 25 minutes inland to visit the village of Ses Salines, where piles of harvested salt form mini pyramids.

Puerto de Andrach

Although its tourist-orientated harbour has berths for 450 vessels, Andrach (Andratx in the local language) is still a traditional fishing village at heart and the portside market – La Lonja Port d’Andratx – makes for a great place to buy some ingredients or spy the day’s catch. Surrounded by the Tramuntana mountains, this lovely little town is also home to the Balearics’ largest contemporary art gallery, the CCA, which hosts several international exhibitions a year. Either side of the town, the beaches at Cala Llamp and Cala d’Egos offer two of the most secluded bathing areas on Mallorca’s northwest coast.

San Telmo/Sa Dragonera

For a walk on the wild side, drop anchor in San Telmo on Mallorca’s westernmost tip and jump on the ferry that runs to the uninhabited island of Dragonera. Once there, you can join a guided expedition or explore this 4km (3mi)-long natural park by yourself. Covered in rosemary bushes and scrubland, the dragon-shaped isle’s notable inhabitants include wall lizards, bats, Eleonora falcons and the rare Balearic shearwater seabird.

Check out Mallorca’s dreamy coastline.

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